2.21 Friday Faves

February 21, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What do you have going on this weekend? Itโ€™s Rodeo Break (itโ€™s an AZ thing and I love it), so the kids are off school. Weโ€™re just enjoying some Tucson adventures, fun with friends, and enjoying this spring-like weather. Sending some sunshine to my freezing friends right now! Iโ€™m doing a…

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Pets make you brave

Helloooooo ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope you had a bueno Sunday! So almost immediately after my last post, Bella got sick (again) and we rushed off to the animal hospital. They checked her and said she was fine, then gave her a anti-nausea shot (which she cried for and I had to hug her and hold her head…

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I got these awards last week from the lovely RhodeyGirlโ€”so here are some random facts about yours truly ๐Ÿ˜€ 1. Iโ€™m terrified of motherhood. Not the actual process of raising children but rather the process of having them. I convinced that being pregnant would be like having an alien inside your belly. 2. I danced…

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A sweet tater in Brussels

Heyyyyyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Howโ€™s your day going?? Thank you so much for the lovely bday wishes to the pilot and for your sweet potato ideas! I figured Iโ€™ll play around after I re-stock the kitchen, and whateverโ€™s left is going in the dehydrator. After this morningโ€™s 5k, I hit a brick wall. So I laid with…

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Happy Birthday, Pilot

I owe ya a red velvet cakeโ€ฆ. or maybe a beer cake ๐Ÿ˜‰ We miss and love you <3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ So today was a classic example of the fact that sometimes itโ€™s hard to take your own advice. Case in point: Yes, I ran the 5k this morning. I woke up and didnโ€™t feel 100%,…

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Tea Me

Hey everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope you have something fun going on this weekend ๐Ÿ˜€ ******Click here to read the final re-cap of our trip to Fresno for the POM Blogger Harvest Tour!****** So last night, I didnโ€™t have an appetite since my throat was killing me, so I made a simple kale salad to get…

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