things I had to learn the hard way about health and wellness

September 19, 2024

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope that you’re having an amazing week. It’s been wild around here as usual, working during the day and chasing the kids around in the afternoons and evenings. I feel like summer was so peaceful and that the school year is pure chaos. I’m still trying to figure…

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T-Town Vacay Part 4

Hey guys! Happy Sunday to ya 😀 Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! We’re still having a blasty here in Tucson and even though it’s a bummer we leave tonight, I’m excited to see the puppies.. I miss their little faces (Megan, who’s watching the little munchkins, emailed that to me) We had a…

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T-Town Vacay Part 3

Hey everyone! Happy Sunday!!! Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend 😀 My night last night was full of dreadlocks: More on that in a second 😉 We had a pretty chill afternoon yesterday. I made a lovely avocado, romaine and dulse open-faced sandwich on Ezekiel because I was feeling snackalicious at the hotel: Then…

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T-Town Vacay Part Dos

Hey guys! Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday 😀 The theme of this trip so far has been food baby. I’ve been eating so much delicious food!!! *Sigh* I love it here! Last night we dined at the incredible La Parrilla Suiza. We’ve been eating there since I was a youngin’ and the familia knows…

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Take me to the dessert

I mean desert 😀 We’re at the airport right now on our way to beautiful AZ!!! Sorry I’ve been a posting slacker today- it’s been quite a frenzy over here! I started the morning early with a 4 mile run and weights with Jeni, followed by a juice, a packing extravaganza, getting the oil changed…

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Laying an egg

Hey everyone! How was your day? Mine was quite wonderful even though it was lacking in Indian food. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do…and in this case it was to bring in some dollas This afternoon, I made some pumpkin pie in a bowl soup (Natalia Rose’s recipe) to take with me…

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