Sharing my top blog posts and pages of 2024 Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? Ours was a good one. The kids had lots of friend time, P had a basketball game, and I taught two barre classes. The Pilot had to work and it’s hard to believe it was his last…
Continue Reading →Hey! Hope your day is going well! Mine has been a little slow moving… guess I still have some remnant zombie going on 😉 I did have a lovely sludge for bfast: It had frozen nanner, hemp milk, Vega smoothie infusion, vanilla brown rice protein and spinach. Delicioso. Then the puppers and I went on…
Continue Reading →Hellooooooo 😀 Happy Humpday! We’re back in V-town, had a full night’s sleep (complete with crazy dreams) and my zombie-like state has vanished. I feel pretty normal today, which is bueno 😀 Thanks so much for your kind words on the Glamour article!!!! <3 On the ride back to Valdosta, the pilot stopped at Quizno’s…
Continue Reading →Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well 😀 We’re on the road back to Valdosta (car blogging again) and had such a wonderful time in Tucson. I told the familia that they have to come visit us next time 😉 We shall see…. After madre’s delicious feast, my nana brought out her famous Bundt…
Continue Reading →Hey guys! Happy Sunday to ya 😀 Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! We’re still having a blasty here in Tucson and even though it’s a bummer we leave tonight, I’m excited to see the puppies.. I miss their little faces (Megan, who’s watching the little munchkins, emailed that to me) We had a…
Continue Reading →Hey everyone! Happy Sunday!!! Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend 😀 My night last night was full of dreadlocks: More on that in a second 😉 We had a pretty chill afternoon yesterday. I made a lovely avocado, romaine and dulse open-faced sandwich on Ezekiel because I was feeling snackalicious at the hotel: Then…
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