Sharing my top blog posts and pages of 2024 Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? Ours was a good one. The kids had lots of friend time, P had a basketball game, and I taught two barre classes. The Pilot had to work and it’s hard to believe it was his last…
Continue Reading →Hey guys! Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday 😀 The theme of this trip so far has been food baby. I’ve been eating so much delicious food!!! *Sigh* I love it here! Last night we dined at the incredible La Parrilla Suiza. We’ve been eating there since I was a youngin’ and the familia knows…
Continue Reading →I mean desert 😀 We’re at the airport right now on our way to beautiful AZ!!! Sorry I’ve been a posting slacker today- it’s been quite a frenzy over here! I started the morning early with a 4 mile run and weights with Jeni, followed by a juice, a packing extravaganza, getting the oil changed…
Continue Reading →Hey everyone! How was your day? Mine was quite wonderful even though it was lacking in Indian food. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do…and in this case it was to bring in some dollas This afternoon, I made some pumpkin pie in a bowl soup (Natalia Rose’s recipe) to take with me…
Continue Reading →Hey everyone! Happy humpday!!! My favorite day of the week, which is usually Indian Food day, but alas, we’re not having Indian tonight. I had to book some extra training appointments today and tonight since we’ll be out of town this weekend, so I’ll be working at the gym instead of feasting on Baigan Bhartha—quite…
Continue Reading →Hey guys! How was your day? I’m writing this post after multiple a couple of cocktails so please excuse the impending typos 😉 After lounging by the pool and reading Twilight (I decided to finally re-read the series), I came home and made a salad beast. Greens, spinach, bell pepper, lemon juice, flax oil, hemp…
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