Dr. Cabral 7-day detox review + recipes

March 8, 2025

ย Sharing my thoughts on the Dr. Stephen Cabral 7-day detox, and sharing the recipes I enjoyed while I was on this Functional Medicine detox.ย  Hi friends! How are you? I hope youโ€™re having a lovely day so far. I’m re-sharing this post today because we’re heading into spring, which is the perfect time for a…

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how to keep your skin clear when you love to work out

This post is sponsored by NxN through my partnership with Mediakix. It includes a special offer to get these amazing products for $9.99 + free shipping (less than $4 a bottle!); check it out here and use the code FITNESS at checkout. Fit people problems: -The mountains and mountains of laundry. Since Iโ€™ve been back…

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oh hi, mom guilt

I wrote this post when I was feeling particularly overwhelmed. I think itโ€™s still worth publishing, because I have a feeling some of my reader friends out there can probably relate. โ€œAm I doing enough?” โ€œAm I doing too much?” โ€œHot damn, Iโ€™m tired.”  (The side of Pโ€™s face is bruised from catapulting out of…

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while I was sleeping…

Hi friends! How are you? Hope you had a wonderful weekend. What did you do? Iโ€™d love to hear about your fitness events or anything else going on. ICYMI: I blogged yesterday! Just a quickie post with my workouts from last week. (Dress J Crew from Thred Up // Liviโ€™s dress // Pโ€™s dress is…

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Week of workouts

Hi friends! Happy Sunday, and happy Motherโ€™s Day to all of my mama friends out there. I already got most of my gift yesterday (ALLTHESLEEP), and have been enjoying the day with the people who made me a mom. Iโ€™m popping in quickly to share a week of workouts, since I can actually remember what…

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Friday Faves (+ a power yoga sequence and playlist)

Hi friends! Happy Friday! YAY THE WEEKEND IS HERE. What are you up to? Anything exciting going on? We donโ€™t have much on the agenda, but itโ€™s going to be a scorcher. I have a feeling weโ€™ll be spending some time at the pool. ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m also excited to hang out with my little family…

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