How to read more

October 21, 2024

Sharing some tips on how to read more if that’s one of your goals! Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. What were you up to? We met with friends for sushi, celebrated the Pilot and P’s birthdays with family (we’ll be out of town for their actual birthdays), and had the usual…

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Cardio tips and tricks

Since my long run didn’t end up happening yesterday morning, I was determined to get in some mileage and hit up the dreadmill for a pm run sesh. Even though I do enjoy cardio alone -it’s a great time to zone out and blast my favorite music- I love taking and teaching classes even more.…

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Dinner with the KERFs

I was so excited when Kath told me they’d be making a visit to Tucson. One of my favorite things about blogging is that I’ve made so many real-life friends through the blog world. Kath and I have been friends for a while -she was one of the first blogs I ever read!- and I’ve…

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4/7: Some pics from the day

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4/7: April Week 2 Workout Plan + Meal ideas

Moving a little slowly after yesterday’s adventures -I’ll do a recap post soon!- but my first half marathon long run is happening this morning. Anyone joining me? 🙂 I’m so happy to hear you liked last week’s format for the workout plan. I’ll keep doing it that way, and as always, let me know if…

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Meg: Spring Cleaning

Confession: I have an issue with clutter.  I’m definitely not proud of these messy habits I’ve picked up over the years and I’m working to change them. I’m one of those people who is never satisfied with an outfit until I’ve tried 3 on (the other two end up on the floor or my bed…) and…

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