How I naturally improved my eyesight

March 4, 2025

Sharing some tips on how Iโ€™ve improved my eyesight over the past two years. This is just my personal experience and Iโ€™m not a doctor. Always check with you eye doctor before changing anything in your routine. Eyes are kind of important you donโ€™t want to mess around, mm k? Hi friends! I hope that…

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Our favorite bacons

Food-wise, lunches are usually my least exciting meal of the day. Since I’ll make them while serving Livi’s food, or they’re packed up to take to work, chances are that it’s a quick wrap or salad I throw together with veggies I’ve already chopped and/or roasted. Company-wise, they’re one of my favorite parts of the…

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DIY Halloween costumes: Sushi roll

When I was browsing online for family costume ideas, I fell in love with this one from Pottery Barn: Source But at $49 + shipping, just for the baby’s costume, I thought it would be fun to try and make a version at home for less.ย  Bonus: I had the option of choosing what type…

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11/2: Friday Faves

I think the little humpday holiday made the weekend arrive so much faster. Chocolate and a quick weekend- hey, I can get on board with that. Anything fun going on over the next few days? Please let me know if you’d like a November workout calendar and I’ll have it up by Sunday morning (Sunday…

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Meg: Pop of Color (DIY)

As glorious as fall colors may be, they can sometimes seem a little dull without a pop of color. I set out the other day to buy a necklace that would give me a pretty pop, but had no luck! Bright colors are slowly being phased out of stores as the season changes so I…

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Namaste November

Halloween, you’ll always be one of my very favorite holidays. Any situation where I’m surrounded by chocolate is very happy, indeed, but wearing a costume and partying with friends and family is a bonus, too ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had a blast hanging out with my hibachi chef and sushi roll: (It’s basically impossible to get Liv…

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