What type of cardio to do after strength training

What type of cardio to do after strength training

February 27, 2025

Hey hey hey! How’s your day going?? It’s been a wild week over here but all is well. For today’s post, I wanted to talk about cardio dilemmas, and what type of cardio to do after weight training sessions. I feel like there’s a lot of confusion about this, and one of the things that…

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Practice 10k + a giveaway- ENDED

Practice 10k COMPLETE! (not pushing the jogging stroller, though. The Pilot walked with Liv since he has a PT test tomorrow and wanted to have fresh legs) I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to do it, but my killer playlist got me through. Even with the steep Sabino incline and a walk break…

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Meg: Etsy Love

The last few days I’ve been feeling very under the weather. It’s only gotten worse this weekend, so I’m going to leave you all with some fall-inspired Etsy goods that have caught my eye recently. Hope you don’t mind! If you haven’t shopped on Etsy, you’re in for a real treat. Individual sellers list unique…

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Back to “om”

I love Sundays. Especially ones filled with family brunches, getting chores checked off the list, and spending time with the people I love. Sunday flowers: We ended up doing a lot yesterday, and when I went to upload pics from the day.. there were only three. One of Bella patiently waiting for a green bean…

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9/9: Thoughts from the week

-I thought breastfeeding could be painful at times, but that was until I recently saw one of our bird condo mamas feeding her young. Bird feeding is VIOLENT. I couldn’t help but feel bad for the mama, who had two birds intensely shoving their heads down her throat.  (frozen in the act) -Speaking of breastfeeding,…

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9/9: Weekly Meal and Fitness plan

Most nights of the week, especially if the Pilot is home, I look forward to making dinner. It’s a nice way to unwind from the day, and I’m usually excited to try out a new recipe. After a full day of work yesterday, and a fun afternoon with friends over watching the football game, I…

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