What type of cardio to do after strength training

February 27, 2025

Hey hey hey! Howโ€™s your day going?? It’s been a wild week over here but all is well. For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to talk about cardio dilemmas, and what type of cardio to do after weight training sessions. I feel like thereโ€™s a lot of confusion about this, and one of the things that…

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8/17: Friday Faves

-Wedding weekend! Our anniversary is tomorrow- I can’t believe so much has happened in the past 5 years. 3 military moves, 3 deployments, a house, a baby, traveling, adventures with the pups, hard times, amazing times, shenanigans. It feels like yesterday I was checking him out in between glances at my accounting book in Starbucks…

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Surprises and spice

I was like Christmas today. First, I got to sleep in. The Pilot has been flying and working nights all week, so I haven’t seen him very much. He got home past midnight last night and we were all in bed, I gave him a groggy smooch and passed back out, and this morning, I…

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Whit: DIY Braided Racerback Tank

I love big comfy t-shirts and I’ve always wanted to be the girl that can rock her boo’s big tee with a skirt or socks or something real nice like. But when your hubs is 6’5″, and you got a donk, this look is not the fantasy we’d hoped for. However recently I’ve been eyeing…

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Focus On: Boxing Workouts

Source: popartuk.com via kanna on Pinterest ย  The first time I took a boxing class, I felt pretty silly. I thought it would be just like Tae Bo and actually no, that wasn’t the case. My punches were weak, I didn’t get in a great workout, and because I was lacking the confidence to put…

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8/16: What I Ate Wednesday

Wait, I’m late to the “What I Ate Wednesday” party? By how many years? Oh, well let’s not think about that ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve never been a huge fan of posting all of my eats. For one, I’m usually racing around grabbing food as I go -to think of plating it up beautifully and snapping a…

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