Now that I’ve been using and loving EquiLife products for the past few years, I thought I’d share some of my top picks! Their Founder’s Sale started TODAY, so if you’ve been needing to stock up, now is the time. Read on for a giveaway, too 🙂 Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re…
Continue Reading →Ohhhh, I don’t know.. let me check. On maybe this: Source or this: Source or this perhaps? Source Ever since men’s-inspired large watches started to become popular (last fall), I was kind of skeptical. I have small wrists so a lot of them looked like *too much* on me, I use my cell phone to…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! How’s your morning going? It’s Friday!!!!! I’m thinking that makes it a good day already 😉 So this post has been a long time coming –so many requests for this one- but I want to preface it by saying that sometimes going out to eat is a special occasion, or a weekly treat.…
Continue Reading →or give me death.” I started saying phrases like this after our Philly trip. We were at Independence Hall, so of course I had to say “Give me liberty, or give me death!” [in some kind of funny weird accent…?] and on the walk back to our hotel, it turned into “Give me lululemon or…
Continue Reading →Hey, everybody. Bring on the weekend! I already have one small project lined up… This stroller’s so versatile and dude friendly (read: not pink with rainbows) that Michael Bay would give it a slowmo, close-up in his next blockbuster. Behold: Source Of course, I’ve gotta transform it from it’s current state: Expect Gina to do…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! Happy almost-Friday! Hope your day is going well <3 I woke up with a crazy allergy attack! My nose and throat hate me. Teaching will be interesting, but maybe this means that cooler weather is on the way? Thank goodness for a nice, hot bfast to help with the ick: Gingah tea with…
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