Friday Faves 3.21

March 21, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What do you have planned for this weekend? We’re enjoying some beach time in San Diego. It’s Wyatt’s Bar Mitzvah and we’re so excited to celebrate with our Kleiger fam. I’ll share some of the adventures over on IG stories! I’d love to hear what you have going on. (Hannah KILLED…

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Baby punched me

I haven’t been able to feel the little lady kick and move as much as I’d *like* to. Source [CRAZY pic!!] It may take more time (? I’m almost 22 weeks), but everyone keeps asking me, “Are you feeling lots of kicks?!” “Yes! I love it!” Ehh, not really. I’ll feel little butterflies and pops,…

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Save the room

Hi friends! How’s your Friday been? Mine has been a crazy whirlwind, but still had time for a workout and lunch with the girls 🙂 Today, I ran errands to get supplies for Sunday’s housewarming party, cleaned the casa [vacuuming stairs is no joke] put the guest room together sparkle-fied the kitchen the master bathroom…

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Fave Fashion Blogs

If you asked me to name off some healthy living or fitness blogs, I could rattle off quite a few. I love reading blogs, especially checking out new ones, and have a lot of friends in the healthy living/fitness blogger world. Ask me about fashion blogs and I could rattle off… err, maybe 5? The…

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Creepy Crawlies

Shall I post the picture of the creepy crawly before or after the breakfast pic? Let’s do after… I don’t want you to lose your appetite 😉 Hi! Happy Friday! Hope your morning is going well <3 I woke up bright and early to bust out a TurboFire workout before starting the day’s to-dos. [No…

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Hi friends! How was your day? There’s nothing like coming home to a seksi Pilot, painting the Easter egg powder room. What a handyman. And goodbye forever, Easter egg 😉 Things are really starting to come together here! I’m excited to post some “before” pics, from when we moved in and the house was empty,…

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