Today I’m sharing a dairy-free and gluten-free recipe for Mediterranean egg bites. Try this as a high-protein meal prep option! Hey hey! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! It’s been busy as usual – but I’m looking forward to some weekend fun with the crew. 🙂 For today’s…
Continue Reading →One of the books I’ve been reading about taking care of the baby after she arrives is Baby Wise. Baby Wise has mixed reviews, mostly because it focuses on more of a parent-directed feeding approach and schedule instead of child-directed approach to develop a routine. If you allow the child to settle into a routine,…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! How’s your weekend going? Hope you’re having a beautiful and relaxing day so far 🙂 Thanks so much for the Philly recommendations! The official HLS events are over, so we’ll see what kind of shenanigans the Pilot and I can get into today 😉 Yesterday, in between events, we met up with some…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! How are ya? Philly is GORGEOUS <3 We made it in late last night (after our mild travel snafu), grabbed a cab and headed to the hotel. The room is super clean and lovely. + they have a Keurig! I’ve been wanting to get one, so it will be fun to play around…
Continue Reading →Hi friends! How’s your Friday going? I’m sky-blogging right now –gotta love gogo in flight wifi 🙂 It’s actually the time we were supposed to be at the Tucson airport, and we’re already more than halfway to Philly! How did that happen? I totally goofed up what time I *thought* we were supposed to leave.…
Continue Reading →Hiiiii 😀 Happy Friday! Anything fun planned for this weekend? I pretty much disappeared from the earth yesterday (hardly tweeted or facebooked!)- I was under the weather, and so was Bella. I left the house to take her to the vet –she’s much better now- but spent 90% of the day crawled up on the…
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