173: Senate Health Roundatable recap

October 3, 2024

Hi friends! I hope that you’re having a lovely morning. Today, I wanted to chat about the Senate Roundtable last week, which was titled, “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion.” It included some of my favorite wellness professionals, influencers, and authors, and I was so excited to watch; it felt like my Super Bowl.…

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Paging Dr. McSteamy

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope your morning is going well <3 Thank you so much for the crossed fingers on the house- we need ‘em, fo sho 🙂 We should have a response from the seller by today, which will most likely be a counter-offer. (We low-balled it a little just to play the game)…

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Signing Away the First Born

Hi friends! How was your night? Sorry for the late posting tonight- we ran around like crazy all day, am pretty sure we signed our life away “This is the first-born child clause… please sign here” (We put an offer in on the house!!) and just enjoyed a lovely dinner with friends. This afternoon, the…

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Grocery Cardio

Heyyyy 😀 How are you? Hope you’re having an amazing day so far. Thank you so much for your kind words and home buying tips! Like I said, ya’ll always have fabulous advice. I’m going to go ahead and start off by saying that Hot Tub Time Machine was not my fave movie. In all…

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Cloudy to Sunny

{Metaphorically- it’s supah sunny here} Hi friends! How was your day? Bella’s was just like every other day… Tough. She has a very hard life 😉 So when I wrote my am post, I was feeling a little gloomy. I got a phone call this morning saying that Saturday was my last day at work…

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Adapting Bodyrock Workouts

Hi friends! How are ya? Hope you’re having a lovely Indian Food Wednesday 🙂 I started mine off with a weights workout with the Pilot and a smoothie in a bowl: -1 C almond milk -1/2 C goat’s milk kefir -1 scoop Vanilla Sun Warrior -frozen organic blueberries and strawberries -hefty sprinkle of oats -crumbled…

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