Prime Big Deals Day

Prime Big Deals Day (the best stuff)

October 8, 2024

Sharing the best of the best from today and tomorrowโ€™s Prime Day deals! ย  Hi friends! How are you? I hope youโ€™re having a wonderful week so far! The kids are home from school for fall break, and while weโ€™re staying in town, Iโ€™m definitely looking forward to some fun adventures. This week, we plan…

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Wait Date

Heyyyyy hey ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s FRIDAY!!   (Viessy has a very hard life) ๐Ÿ™‚ What are you up to this weekend?? Hope you have something fun going on! We have my โ€œDetox is Overโ€ party tomorrow night– Iโ€™m a little more than excited. LOVED reading your comments to last nightโ€™s post! Itโ€™s amazing how things work…

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Why I Love Valdosta

Welcome to the sneaky giveaway via this vintage post. Just leave a comment below to enter to win a TRX home kit! I’ll pick the winner this Thursday night, midnight EST and announce in Friday Faves. xoxo     I know what youโ€™re thinking. You saw the title and probably thought โ€œWhat in the what?…

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Goat Cheeseball

(As I just wrote that title, I had a beautiful vision of an herbed goat cheese ball appetizer. That sounds delicious) How are ya? Itโ€™s almost the weekend!! I started my day off with a Bodyrock workout (today was the Hot Body Beach Workout and I LURVED it)- I never thought Iโ€™d find a workout…

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Cake Flop

Hi friends! How are you?? So glad you liked the Pilotโ€™s guest post. I love when he writes posts for the bloggy, even though they make me miss him just a tiny bit more. Hurry the heck home, face! Lately, Iโ€™ve been walking Bella around the base trail, which is right behind the golf course.…

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I’ve got a spring fever…

and the only cure is a NEW DRESS ๐Ÿ™‚ Heh heh. (Express-  one my my purchases from yesterdayโ€™s shopstravaganza with the madre. The Pilot asked if I did retail therapy to compensate for Valentineโ€™s lonelinessโ€ฆ he knows me too well) How are you guys doing? Itโ€™s gorgeous in T-town! 80 degrees today. The hotter, the…

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