Spring Legs Workout + Reebok ONE Cushion giveaway
Hi guys! How’s the day treating ya? Is it the weekend yet?! I’m so happy to hear you liked the banana bread recipe. Our batch is gone, and a new one will definitely be made this weekend.
Today, I thought I’d share a new leg workout in addition to an awesome giveaway from my friends at Reebok.
This workout combines muscular endurance (high reps to fatigue the muscles), strength, power and core stabilization. Basically, it’s the whole package if you’re looking for a sweaty and intense leg workout 😉 If you need to modify, please be sure to honor your body. Always check with a doc before making any fitness changes.
The workout:
The moves:
Warm up, 5-7 minutes moderate cardio
4 sets of the following:
-Lateral lunges (20 total). Make sure to keep your chest lifted and abs engaged. Power through your heel to return to your standing (start) position.
-Low plie squat jumps (10). Keep your hips low and chest lifted the entire time. Endeavor to get your thighs parallel to the floor. (Beginners can walk out and in from a plie squat position)
-Cutsy lunge to oblique squeeze (20 total). For the oblique squeeze, you’ll lift your back leg off the floor, and bend it up towards your elbow.
-Side to side hops (20 total). Try to kick your booty in between hops and engage your obliques to create your momentum from side to side. (Beginners: hold a plank either in full position or on your knees and alternate bringing one knee in towards to elbow on that same side.
-Plank leg lift (10 each side). Use your glutes to lift your heel up towards the ceiling (or sky!) 10 times before gently lowering down to repeat on the other side.
-Squat countdown (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 10!). Go as low as you can and make sure to squeeze everything on the way up. If you want a challenge, try squat jumps instead, or hold weights.
-Hold your squat position (30 seconds)
-Cool down and stretch
The rest of this post is sponsored by my friends at Reebok, who kindly offered a pair of my current favorite running/everything sneakers to a lucky reader.
I was originally running in the pair of sneakers that our Tucson running store recommended to me. After my knee injury, they didn’t feel as good as they once did, and I found that the stiffness of the shoe aggravated my hip and knee. It was raining one morning and I had a training run in the books. Since I didn’t want my official “running sneakers” to get gross in the rain, I decided to wear my ONE Cushions (which I originally used for teaching and circuit type workouts) with my Superfeet inserts and just wash them afterwards.
I was shocked to find that they felt SO much better than my usual running shoes. They were light, flexible, and with the inserts, it neutralized my pronation. (They’re usually not recommend as a support shoe if you pronate or supinate, but I’ve found that with my inserts, they feel fantastic. I’d check with a running store first to get your stride anaylzed!) Ever since then, I’ve been a hardcore ONE Cushion fan.
A few months ago, I purchased a new pair of ONE Cushions, and Reebok surprised me with a bright shiny new pair this past week.
Another benefit of these shoes is the fact that they’re extremely reflective; it’s almost like they glow in the dark! I was running Sabino Canyon one evening and it seemed like EVERYONE stopped to compliment me on the color or great reflection of the shoes.
Reebok offered a pair of ONE Cushions to a lucky reader, and I’d like to match it by purchasing another pair (so there will be two winners) because I love them so much. Even if you have your specific running shoe that you’re married to (like I once did!) they also make fantastic crosstraining sneakers.
Here’s how to enter:
I’ll pick two lucky winners this Saturday night and announce in Sunday morning’s post (5/4).
Ready, set, go!
This post is sponsored by Reebok. As always, all opinions are my own <3 I’m happy to share the ONE Cushion love!
Circuit training at the park!
Outdoor workouts in the park: squats, lunges, running, planks, etc! I would love these shoes… desperately in need of a new pair and they’re so cute!
My spring workouts of choice have been running and getting back into swimming!
I love to run the trail around Burke Lake!
Love these shoes!
I love track workouts with boot camp-style exercises thrown in!
My workout of choice is lifting weights! I am in need of some new sneakers and am thinking I want to try Reebok this time! I always go with Nike but I have been super impressed with the look of the new Reeboks.
I live in Massachusetts, so my spring workout choice is RUNNING since I am unable to do it without freezing my bum off all winter:)
My favorite workout is running, but it’s been so hard to find time lately. I am going to make it happen this weekend!
Walks around the neighborhood with our dogs–love watching all the flowers and trees come alive!
I would LOVE a new pair of comfy workout shoes! I am almost 5 months pregnant and my feet would be so happy. 🙂
I absolutely love running in the spring! <3 The warmer weather totally motivates me. Plus, my gym group and I are always signing up for races to run together 🙂
Running and Bootcamp! But I recently started adding in spin class and I am loving that too! Today my cardio was p90x legs and back followed by push mowing our yard. Whew!
I could so so so use a new pair of running shoes!!
My Spring work-out of choice is an outdoor game of tennis!! So much fun, lots of fresh air and some fun competition and activity with my boyfriend 🙂
Walking and dance!
i would love some bright shoes to wear during my late night body pump class 🙂
I’m excited to hiking and biking!
I recently had a baby so I love taking my bob stroller out for a spring jog.
During the spring I love playing kickball with friends!
I’m loving Body Pump right now, but I love getting outdoors to run or hike in the spring.
I am excited to get outside and run! 🙂 It feels like this Canadian winter has had me stuck inside forever!
Outdoor and indoor bootcamp classes!
I’m trying more weight lifting and planks! Those shoes look great!
Definitely walking since I’m pregnant now and am looking forward to some bootcamp workouts after baby arrives
Hiking with my doberman…
Loving that we’re FINALLY able to get outside and walk!!
My favorite outdoor activity is running outside and enjoying some fresh air!
I love hiking this time of year!
I just signed up to run the Girls on the Run 5K with students from my school so a new pair of sneakers would be awesome for the training and actual race! I have been looking for a new pair of running sneakers and haven’t found a pair that I like. I wear Innov8 to workout in, but not to run in. F
I like hiking in the spring.
Running in the city by the rivers!
I am loving running w/my puppy, hot yoga and spinning classes this spring! Am enjoying the sunshine!
I would love a good pair of cross training shoes!
I love long walks in the mornings so I go threw a lot of sneakers in the spring and summer especially !
Running in the park! I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy for spring!
I’m currently on a running streak…I feel like this happens every year in the spring and then by July I’m over it and get into indoor group fitness classes like Zumba and body pump. Thanks Gina!
Definitely running. I’m enjoying the beautiful weather before the South gets too hot to run outside!
I started researching these shoes when I saw them in one of your Instagram pics! Crossing my fingers for the win 😉
I love that I can finally start taking my dog for long afternoon walks when I get out of class!
outdoor stadiums!
My favorite Spring workout is walking!
I love the shoes! I love being outside when the weather is nice. I recently bought a bike, so I’ve been enjoying riding it on the bike paths near me. So much fun!
Hiking and anything else outdoors!
I love a nice jog or walk around my block in the spring so these shoes would be awesome to help drivers see me!!
A nice bike ride outside!
Running outside! The winter was brutal here in PA, so anything in the warm sunshine is what I need!
I want to try them for running!
Running or Zumba!