Target: Back to school
[This is a sponsored post from Target, one of my all-time favorites. Very few stores have the ability to make me arrive with one thing on the list and leave with an entire cartful. Since we’re heading into “back to school” time, Target is the perfect spot to get everything you need for college, in addition to laundry detergent, makeup, oh hey, check out this cute shirt….]
There were a lot of things I wish I would have known when I started college.
Just a few on the very long list:
1) People don’t “dress up.” When I showed up for my very first day in a dress a wedge shoes like I would have worn to high school, I quickly realized that the uniform consisted of sweatpants and T-shirts. I’m totally going to date myself here, but it was also the age of velour jumpsuits, furry boots and miniskirts, which created some very strange university attire combos.
2) You have to study and really learn the material. When I was in high school, I was guilty of memorizing facts to pass the tests. In college, I learned that you really had to learn the concepts instead of memorizing, and it was a huge reality check. It was also extremely rewarding to earn good grades, since I worked so hard to study.
3) Maintaining a fit lifestyle is a bit more challenging, but totally possible while going to school fulltime and working.
Here are some of my favorite college fit tips:
Take advantage of walking everywhere. It’s a great way to sneak in extra cardio!
Pack healthy snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated like veggie wraps, almonds, protein balls, jerky and fruit.
Use a quick workout as a pick-me-up in between study sessions or during a class break. It will energize you to get you through the afternoon or night! Even if it’s just a short plank burner or round of burpees, every little bit counts.
Try to avoid the nighttime snack monster. When you’re doing all-nighters to study for a test, it’s tempting to snack in order to stay away. I find that chewing gum or drinking tea will do the trick without adding in extra calories.
4) Shop online! I wish I would have done this more, especially with stuff for our apartment. I would go to different spots to try to find things as inexpensively as possible, and would end up making multiple trips up the stairs with heavy items. (When you shop online, it shows up on the doorstep for you!) There weren’t as many options when I was in college, but that was quite a while ago and things have changed. Something that has remained the same: Target has everything I need. (Or Tarjay, the fancy French store, as I like to call it.) With electronics, appliances, bedding and décor in one spot, it’s easy to fully prepare yourself for the upcoming year. Bonus: the prices are amazing, too!
Here are some awesome back-to-school picks:
This gorgeous textured comforter set
Memo board: Wireless HiFi system:
Starburst mirror
They also offer an interactive checklist to make sure you have everything you need for your dorm or apartment!
Sending good wishes to those of you who are headed back to school this season <3 xoxo
This post was a sponsored post for Target, where they have “Everything for U” during the back to college season. You can check out a store near you, or shop online. I was compensated for this post, but all opinions, as always are my own. Thank you for supporting the blog’s sponsors <3
I’m a sophomore at UGA and I do tend to have the night time snack monster problem. But I love walking everywhere. And if I have a break in between classes, I like to walk around campus to see the beautiful sites and campus strangeness (YES, random petting zoo in the middle of campus with camels…I’m talking to you!) I just made your cashew brownie bites and can’t wait to have one for a study break pick-me-up. Thanks so much for this helpful post. Target is the bomb.
I just had to comment with how much I LOVED my time at UGA! I graduated in 2006 and still get chills when I hear someone mention Athens. Enjoy your time and cheer ridiculously loud so we can beat Clemson this weekend 😉 GO DAWGS!
Omg I love target!
Tar jay, how I love thee.
We just got Target here in Canada this year and this post is really making me wish I was still in university! (Although admittedly, it kinda sucks that our Tarjay prices up here still aren’t as good as yours in the US). I love that bedding set! My back-to-school tips are similar to yours. I also found that making like-minded friends who valued nutrition and fitness was a huge help. Instead of bad habits, it was a case of healthy habits rubbing off on each other!
Target is such a hard place for me NOT to spend money! I go in there for 1 thing and I come out with 10-15 things I either don’t need or didn’t go in there to buy! Such a great place! If i could do college over I feel like I would spend a lot less money simply because I bought a whole lot of stuff I thought I would need but NEVER used once!
Live target! Especially all the organic options they have added 🙂
I sure do miss back to school shopping it was always my favorite! Thanks for sharing and bringing back those memories! Love + Shine CourtStar
I start my 2nd year of grad school next week and I LITERALLY spent all afternoon looking at Target’s clothing. I have 12 items in my cart already 🙂 There are a lot of good transitional pieces there!
My closest Target is 30 minutes away so when I actually get there I spend waaaay too much because I feel like there’s so much new stuff! I was there tonight for q-tips and spent $125. Hah.
I die over Target. I got all my dorm necessities, including bedding, from Target. I was so sad I didn’t have a reason to go back to school shopping this year, but spent a lot of time browsing the aisles. Maybe grad school in my future 😉
I don’t allow myself in Target. :blush:
I used to LOVE this time of year 🙂 Back to school time used to be the best.
Oh I just adore Tarjay!! Loving that bedset! 🙂
That is such a pretty colour for bed linen! Man, Target, way to go ;D
Target is great, too great. I have, like many of you, entered with one item to get and end up spending $100. They should just take your credit card when you walk in and swipe it for at least a $50 charge because you can’t leave without spending that much.
I work at a college and maybe it’s just a more preppy school, but the students here dress really well most days! I also really love Target, though my wallet does not.
I LOVE Target, and I’m fortunate enough to have two stores within 10 minutes of me. I try to only go if I really need something though, because without fail I will go in for one thing, and leave with a full cart! What is it about this store?!
I love target!!!!!!
I like the things! Especially the mirror!!!
I’m ashamed to admit that I definitely had a few velour track suits (with tummy showing of course!)
Bear down!! 🙂
BOOM. haha!
bear down 🙂
I don’t have a Target near me since I live in Quebec…sad times! It is on my list of things to do on my next trip to Toronto though 😉
Also, I totally agree about using workouts as a study tool. I would always get in at least half an hour when I was studying during the day and found that this actually helped me focus more and be more efficient with my time.
I’m going back to school as a post-bacc student this year and it’s so funny how YOUNG the freshmen are! I’m only 24 but I finished undergrad a few years ago so the age discrepancy is magnified after being away from the college scene for a while. I wish I had done more online shopping my first time around, though if I had an Amazon prime account then I might not have been able to afford coming back to school 🙂
Omg, I’m pretty sure I outfitted my entire dorm room with stuff from Target when I was in college. It’s been 10 years since I was a freshman, and I totally wore velour suits and furry uggs while listening to CDs on my discman on campus LOL
I went to ASU (Go Devils!) and was constantly mesmerized by the Ugg/miniskirt combo….when it was 100 degrees outside. It was also the wardrobe of choice for many women at the Phoenix Open over about a five-year period.
Target does me dirty every time 🙂 I go in for cleaning supplies… leave with an outfit, shoes & magazine and FORGET the thing I went in there for! haha 🙂
This was a great post for me to read as I am starting my freshman year of college on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Living at home but I am going to make my room feel like a dorm room with some “grown up” things. I can’t wait to go to target and get all the stuff I need. Thanks for this post! I really needed this kind of motivation to get my butt in gear!
What college student could afford a $200 french press coffee maker?
Maybe you’re seeing a different French press, but the one here only costs $12.99 🙂
Lots of people at my school had French presses, but my sister just brought a mini keurig back to school with her. A bit pricier, but so easy to use and she doesn’t have to buy coffee from her campus Starbucks anymore!