5th wheel

Hi friends! Happy Monday to ya. How was the weekend? Hope it was fun and relaxing. Ours was a solid mix of family activities, time with friends, relaxation (kind of?) and fun shows. Iโ€™d love to hear what you were up to.

Friday morning, we woke up and it was POURING. It ended up raining all day and my original plans to take the nuggets to the zoo were squashed. Liv suggested the planetarium – her favorite spot since she wants to be an astronaut – and we all agreed that it was a great idea.


We spent a couple of hours checking out the exhibits and then grabbed some lunch here at home. We headed to MyGym for the afternoon, and then later that evening, I enjoyed a special treat: a super sweaty yoga class.


I havenโ€™t been able to make a lot of time for yoga lately since the studio I love is kind of far and they donโ€™t offer childcare. Our babysitter was coming over for a couple of hours and since I was caught up on work stuff, I decided to catch a class. It was insanely sweaty, the flow was unique (we used our blocks for the vinyasas which was a fun change-up) and man. My muscles are SO tight. I notice a huge difference when Iโ€™m not doing yoga consistently (with my body and my brain), and itโ€™s always the reminder I need to bring it back. Even if I can just take one class a month, I think it will help me to feel more centered, and for my hamstrings to stop saying wtf with every forward fold. 

And since yoga is conveniently located next to a legit napoli pizza restaurant, this had to happen.


I also grabbed ice cream from cashew cow and took some to Meg and Everly on the way home.

I havenโ€™t mentioned this on the blog yet because I wanted to wait until the news was officially out, but Kyle and Meg are having another baby! The new addition will be here in the spring and I CANโ€™T WAIT. The next generation of cousins is officially here and itโ€™s the best ever.

Saturday morning, we woke up to more rain (!) and enjoyed a cozy breakfast at home before getting ready for Disney On Ice! We picked up my nana on the way and headed down down to the TCC. 

Disney on ice

(Can we talk about the girlsโ€™ mermaid outfits?! I originally bought them for our last Disney trip but all of the tanks didnโ€™t make it on time. I had a feeling theyโ€™d have another opportunity or two to wear them. The leggings are from Etsy and the tanks are from Amazon.

The girls loved the show (of course) and I loved watching the looks on their faces. When the intro started and they encouraged an audience dance party, the girls were dancing their little hearts out in their seats. All of the acts were amazing, but we especially loved the Tangled portion – they did some insane silks work – and Moana, of course.

Disney on ice2

We ended up spending the day with nana and enjoyed lunch here at home, visited Coco the dog at my Uncle Ericโ€™s house, and had black bean burgers for dinner.

Sunday morning was crepes. We havenโ€™t had them for a few weeks and it definitely time to bring them back into our lives.


The cutest lil crepe dates.

Lil nuggets

Madre watched the girls for a couple of hours while Kyle, Meg, Trevor, Alexus and I went to the red and blue basketball game. 

Wildcats game

(I was totally the 5th wheel but nbd)

Basketball season is HERE and Iโ€™m so.ready for it. Our season is rebuilding after losing a bunch of seniors plus our one-and-done from last year, so it will be interesting to see how the Wildcats fare. Even so, Iโ€™m ready for slam dunks that have McKale screaming on their feet, watching Sean Millerโ€™s face turn red like a tomato as he yells (heโ€™s the best ever), and U of A chants with a box of peanut m&ms in hand. The most wonderful time of the year.

For dinner, I made Skinny Tasteโ€™s pumpkin chili, which is one of my favorite quick and easy Instant Pot recipes for fall. 

Hope you had a great weekend, too! 

Iโ€™ll see ya in the morning with a brand-new workout video. Itโ€™s a leg crusher, for sure.

Happy Monday, friends.



Looking for a workout? try this kettlebell circuit.

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  1. Liz on October 15, 2018 at 10:16 am

    So so glad you brought up Disney on Ice! I have a baby due soon and Disney on Ice is coming our way in January and I think it would be a perfect mommy daughter date for my toddler and I. Thank you! So glad the girls enjoyed.

  2. Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious on October 15, 2018 at 12:03 pm

    It poured here in Phoenix too on Saturday. A nice break from the usually sunny days and I can say I love the cooler weather we’re having earlier this year.

    • Fitnessista on October 15, 2018 at 12:59 pm

      right?! fall never comes this early. it’s amazing

  3. Nicole Kump on October 15, 2018 at 2:06 pm

    Congrats to your brother and your whole family on exciting news! This and the future royal baby of Harry and Meghan…yay for people having babies in the spring!

  4. Tracy on October 15, 2018 at 4:07 pm

    Basketball season! Yassss! I agree it’s the most wonderful time of year ๐Ÿ™‚ Rock Chalk Jayhawks!

    Congrats to Meg & Kyle!! Such exciting news. God bless!

  5. K on October 17, 2018 at 7:54 am

    May I ask what brand your purse is or where you purchased, I like that it has ebellishments vs the Madewell Tote. Ty in Advance!

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