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Crabby high five

Hey guys! We had a seafood FEAST in our casa last night ๐Ÿ˜€ The pilot and I picked up a ton of seafood at Publix yesterday and decided to do lobster, shrimp and crab legs on the grill. I made some veggie packs with zucchini, squash, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, asparagus, olive oil, sea salt, pepper…

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Brain freeze, food baby and a buzz

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your weekend going? Mine has been GLORIOUS!! Thank goodness weโ€™re done with all that party stuff. It felt sooooo nice to chillax it up. Before I get on with the blog, I just have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAYโ€ฆ.   (Image from here) TO MY NANA!!! She is a faithful blog reader and…

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Cake on a lid plate

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful weekend! Has anyone seen the new Harry Potter yet?? I really want to see it but Iโ€™m ashamed to admit that I havenโ€™t read the book yetโ€ฆ. I read the first four but couldnโ€™t get past the fifth one (even though I own it!) so Iโ€™m…

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Iโ€™ve got a lot of cake to eat

15 Bundt cakes!! All for the party tonight. Megan and I were scoping them out last night while drinking our vino but we were good ๐Ÿ˜‰ We also have our counter littered with candle holders for the tables.. glass mirror plates, hurricanes and glass bowls Theyโ€™re everywhere! Good thing it will all be GONE and…

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I smell bacon

Hey everyone! Itโ€™s almost the WEEKEND!!! Thank goodness, ehh? Is it just me, or has this week taken forever??? Thank you for all of the well wishes last night <3 Iโ€™m feeling MUCH better and even though I really hated canceling class, it was worth it. There was lots of this going on: And when…

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Raw sloppy joes

Hi everyone! Hope your day is going well! I wanted to blog earlier but havenโ€™t had the timeโ€”things have been extra ccrrraazzyy. But Iโ€™m here now ๐Ÿ˜€ Hi! I started the day with a new bfastโ€ฆ (I always take a drink before taking a picture of beverages in case I donโ€™t like it and send…

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Sweaty and triumphant

Hey everyone! Howโ€™s your day going? Mine has been bueno- much more laid back than yesterday! I woke up extra early this morning so I could go for a run on the base trail. I grabbed a messy nanner with AB before leaving the casa: And drove down to base. When I got there, it…

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Slow cooker chicken chow mein

Hey guys! Hope your day went well! Iโ€™m happy to say the insanity is over and I got through the two aerobics classes and five training appointments. The next crazy day is Wednesday and the rest of the week should be smooth sailing (I hope!). Congrats again to Lindsey on her cookbook victory and thank…

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Hey guys! Hope your weekend went well! Why does it have to be over already? :/ Before I get started with the olโ€™ Sunday re-cap, first we have a WINNER for the Living Raw Foods cookbook giveaway! I apologize if I didnโ€™t send you an email to confirm additional entries โ€“there were a crrrraazzzy amount-…

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A gorgeous giveaway

***************EDITED TO SAY: This giveaway has ended as of 7/13/09 0800. Hey everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY! Iโ€™ve got a seriously amazing giveaway to kick off the weekendโ€ฆ. Remember this cookbook that I got (and have been experimenting with a little this week)?? I talked to Sarma, founder of One Lucky Duck and co-founder Pure Food and…

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A marble milestone

Hey guys! Hope youโ€™ve had a great day! I just got back from seeing The Proposal with Jeni and Ashley and it was wonderful. I usually donโ€™t laugh out loud during movies and I was giggling the whole time. It was muy bueno ๐Ÿ˜‰ I spent a majority of the day in cleaning machine mode.…

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My hero, the pilot

Hey everyone! TGIAF!!!!!! Hope your day is off to a good start ๐Ÿ˜€ Spin and Zumba last night were intense. I still canโ€™t believe I taught 3 classes yesterday with no AC. Itโ€™s a little โ€“very- strange (maybe itโ€™s the Arizona girl in me) but it feels nice in there when the AC doesnโ€™t work.…

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