Favorite things giveaway: Onzie
Hi! How are ya? Hope you’re having a great weekend! It’s been a while since I checked in on a Saturday, and today it’s with the last of this week’s favorite things giveaways! Today’s giveaway is courtesy of my friends at Onzie.
Onzie has an incredible selection of leggings, tops, and and workout apparel, made in the USA. My favorite “crazy tattoo pants” (as we call them) are Onzie,
as well as this beloved tank top.
Their gear is especially awesome for Bikram yoga classes; they have the CUTEST booty shorts and awesome one-piece styles.
When I reached out to Onzie about participating in favorite things, they kindly offered a pair of their gorgeous leggings for a lucky reader.
(How cool are those peacock pants?!)
All you have to do is leave a comment with something active you’re doing this weekend.
Since I’m a little late today getting this post up, ALL giveaways will end tomorrow (Sunday) at noon (EST) so you have more time to enter them all!
Leg work out and cardio first thing tomorrow morning.
I plan on skiing!
I attended a 4+ hour workshop on yoga for runners.
I’m visiting a friend in Chicago doing some holiday shopping so I’m walking all over the city carrying packages. Today we walked 11 miles and my legs are feeling it! 🙂
Lots of legs this week = just walking around town!
I’m planning on a nice long run tomorrow, aiming for 8-10 miles!
I’m staying active this weekend by walking all around DC!! I think I waked close to 20000 steps today!
I did a killer WOD at my box this morning!
I did my first 5K today! It was freezing (in New Jersey) but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, having grown up with asthma and having little experience with distance running. Looking forward doing better at the next one! 🙂
San Antonio Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon tomorrow am!!!
3.5 miles today with 3 and 4 year in double stroller.
I had the stomach flu last week when I was supposed to run the Turkey Trot, so I ran my own 10K this morning to make up for it!
I did a partner WOD at my box!
I ran a Christmas 5k today with my best friend!
I had a clinic shift today, so I was running around all day up and down stairs. This was very difficult due to the previous two day’s barre3 workouts. I am loving them!!!
I’m running a holiday 5k tomorrow morning.
I am cross-country skiing for the first time in about 20 years! Last time I did it I was in junior high in gym class!
I’m staying active with lots of walks downtown and a yoga class tomorrow!
I did a step class, and circuit training class!
I did an athletic conditioning class at my gym this morning. Super tough!
Excited to check out their stuff! Kicked the day with a yoga class, and tomorrow the hubs and I plan on heading to the track!
Those pants are so cute! Lots of walking today.
Staying with a friend who has a dog so we’ve walked him a few times and did a fun hike to a lighthouse during the day!
I did 3 spin classes!
I did a circuit workout early this morning!
Bootcamp tomorrow!
Spin class tomorrow morning!
Tonight we went on a long walk around our neighbourhood and looked at all of the Christmas decorations! Freezing (Canada!) but beautiful. Tomorrow I’m planning on doing a quick HIIT workout!
Continuing my mile a day challenge!
Hosting an ugly sweater Christmas party! Cooking and cleaning all day is my workout 🙂
I did kickboxing today, and will do orangetheory tomorrow!
We are going for a hike at Mt.Baker!
I ran 3 miles and did the stair mill. Love the pants!
I am taking all the barre3 classes I can squeeze in during my 15 day trial! They are amazing and difficult!
I did zumba! Which after years of reading your blog, I finally tried about a month ago. For me it is life changing! I am so glad I finally tried it. I love it! 🙂
Reindeer Run 5K!
My mother-in-law and I did the Cave Creek Luminaria 5K Walk up in Phoenix!!
Hubby and I are going for a winter run in the morning. But tonight we are dancing to happy Christmas music as we put our ornaments on the tree 🙂
I went to a crossfit class this morning and I’ll be going to a yoga class tomorrow!
Step class this morning!
Yoga and lots of walking!
Tomorrow I’m doing a physical test for a police department in Wisconsin. 1 1/2 mile run, sit-ups, and push-ups tests!
Those are awesome! So many congrats to you for getting to HOLD YOUR BOOK IN YOUR HANDS!!! We have wandered around San Fran on foot for about 5 hours today 🙂 <3
I taught three group fitness classes today, and I will go out for a run on Sunday!
I went running this morning even though it was freezing (literally) outside!!
Yoga & swinging some kettlebells! 🙂
Spin class. I love those leggings.
I took our 11 week old son out for his first mini hike in the Ergo today 🙂
c25k week 3 day 3 tomorrow! 🙂