Homemade cashew butter
so I can, so I can… 😉
Hi guys 😀 How are you??? It’s almost the freakin’ weekend! Thank goodness, eh? 🙂
Thanks again to those of you who hit up the Sun Warrior deal yesterday. We ran out extremely fast, so OpenSky is ordering more so we can (hopefully) run the promo again on Monday for those of you who missed it.
Last night was a lot of fun- we had an event at the gym, so I went to hang out with everyone for a while and then came back to the puppers.
I also made cashew butter at midnight….
(with cinnamon, sea salt and vanilla)
The cashew butter has to be my favorite homemade nut butter creation so far- it tastes like dessert to me since many raw desserts are made with soaked cashews to give them a creamy texture.
This morning, I used the cashew butter to make a protein sauce for my AM waffles 😀
-1 T cashew butter
-3 T almond milk
Heated up for about 30 seconds, with 1/2 scoop of Sun Warrior stirred in.
Perfect waffle topper:
The waffles didn’t fill me up very well the other day due to the lack of protein, so I think this will give them a lil more staying power.
This morning, I have to run some errands and then have an afternoon massage that I’ve been looking forward to ALL WEEK 😀
Hope you have a lovely day! <3
Upcoming: A Reader’s Request post!
Today’s workout jam: “Unstoppable” Kat DeLuna and Lil Wayne
Something to talk about: This is kind of random, but have any of ya’ll had your dog(s) teeth cleaned at the vet? Bella and Viesa are getting theirs done tomorrow and I’m nervous because they have to be put to sleep for it.
They’re so little :/
Retry later
They have to be put to sleep?! That is crazy! My parents just clean their dogs’ teeth on their own, though I’m sure it’s not very thorough.
Yep, I’ve had my dog’s teeth cleaned and my cats. Both were put to sleep. My dog was absolutely fine.
My poor cat on the other hand had pretty bad baceterial infections and they had to remove 15 (!!!) teeth. Don’t worry though, he still eats like a fatty mc-catty and comes in at 17 lbs 😉
We used a teeth cleaning procedure that didn’t require them to be put under. However, cleaning their teeth is really important for overall health so don’t worry too much. The vet thought my dog was several years younger because his teeth and gums are so healthy!
I just had my doggies teefers cleaned a couple weeks ago actually, and this is the second time they’ve had them done. They come out of it a little loopy but fine, and my dogs always have so much more energy once their teeth are cleaned! My babies are old and they play like puppies again! It will be all good, girl!
And BTW that cashew butter looks amazeballs! 🙂
We have never had our dogs teeth cleaned… but we REALLY need to. I didn’t know they had to put them to sleep, though!
yummy! we never had my dogs teeth cleaned at the vet bc he was too old and they didnt think he’d be okay with being put to sleep. your babies will be fine!!
Cashew butter sounds delicious! Enjoy your massage!
I don’t have pets, but I’ve heard that dogs have to be put to sleep to clean their teeth — poor puppers. Did you mention a few days ago that you are making the Puppers their own page? I can’t wait to see it.
yes, it’s a work in progress but will hopefully be up soon!
We just had Penelope, our basset hound, teeth cleaned for the first time last month and it was the best thing I think we have ever done for her. She isn’t too much of a bone chewer so her breath was getting a bit stinky when giving kisses. 🙂
Have no fears.. you’ll be amazed at the difference afterwards. Well worth the money and heartache for putting them asleep. 🙂
That cashew butter idea is pretty brill. Especially on top of breakfast fare.
We have a cat and I think he needs his teeth cleaned. He has some really awful breath all the time. I’ve also heard there “at home kits” you can buy to clean pet teeth, but I doubt he would hold still for that. I’m curious to know how the teeth cleaning goes!
Homemade cashew butter is definitely one of my favorites. Yummm 🙂
I’m fiiiiiinally getting a Vitamix soon and I’m so freakin’ excited! Can’t wait to try out your nut butter creations 🙂
I’m surprised the pups have to be put to sleep to clean their teeth? I don’t know anything about it though so maybe that is what is always done. It could be that that is how they do a really thorough cleaning. I have tried to clean our family dog’s teeth and it is quite a challenge to do it as I’m sure you can imagine! 😉
Mmm homemade cashew butter sounds delicious. Cashews are one of my favourite nuts! Did you use soaked cashews for the butter?
I was nervous about teeth cleaning too and I put it off. But, then my dog needed ex-rays and they had to put him under …so I asked if they could scrub his chompers while he was out. They said I was brilliant to have suggested it! Well, I said that…they just agreed it was a good idea. He did fine with being put under for a bit. My dog is nearly 10 so he really really needed it.
Time for me to make some homemade buttah! I’ve been afraid for lack of appropriate portion control with nut butters. But…but…I think I can I think I can! 🙂
girl, portion control and nut butter don’t go in the same sentence with me 😉
I job shadowed at a vet clinic where they cleaned their teeth. It’s a super simple procedure so I wouldn’t worry about it!
good to know!
My cats and dog have had their teeth cleaned at the vet a few times before. Since I am such a neurotic pet mother, I did get nervous about them having to be put under. They were all fine though, and I’m sure your pups will be too! 🙂
My lab desperately needs his teeth cleaned but I’m scared because of something that happened to a friends dog :/
My parents on the other hand have yorkies and they’ve all had theirs done and were totally fine.
Good luck to your pups! I’m sure they’ll be fine!
Yes, I’ve had my dog’s teeth cleaned twice– it’s scary that she has to be put to sleep, but it always works out just fine. Don’t worry about it!! 😀
And I can’t get enough of her clean teeth when she’s all done! They’re so pretty!!
My puppies have always been fine with getting their teeth cleaned, in fact I think I freak out more than they to at the vet. I always make sure to have a special treat for them when they get home and it makes everyone feel better 🙂
I was just wondering if you could do a break down of how you spend your day, because it seems like you always have a lot on your plate and I was wondering how you fit it all in.
Oh and thanks for the solo spin workout. I can’t make my usual sun am class and this looks like a perfect substitute!
My dog, Wicket, has had his teeth cleaned twice since we got him. Most recently, this past Tuesday! The vets know what they’re doing, and he was fine- just a bit drowsy after he woke up. Honestly, I feel more guilty about dropping him off for the whole day (they keep him all day to give him time to recover) because I don’t want him to think I’m abandoning him!
good to know! my friend hayley has a dog named wicket too 🙂
That cashew butter looks so good!!
We just had one of my dogs teeth cleaned last month. I was nervous about putting him under too. But, his teeth were really bad and the cleaning made a huge difference. His teeth look great- no more bacteria and his breath does not smell as bad. They had to pull one tooth and he was really out of it for about 24 hours after. But, he soon returned to his normal, crazy self!
Sweet Basil Pup had to have a tooth removed last year… and he was put under for that… I was SO worried all day, but he was FINE. (Next time something like this happens I think I’ll take the day off work, as silly as that sounds). 🙂 Basil was a little dopey the rest of the day… I brush his teeth like once a month, when we give him his heartworm, etc. It’s not easy though! 🙂
I love the plate your waffles are on… I’ve seen some of these fun plates in your posts, CUTE 🙂
Oh, I could totally go for a massage right now. Nice and deep for these annoying knots. Have fun!
My cat had her teeth cleaned. I also used to work at a vet’s office, and we had dogs in all the time to have their teeth cleaned. It’s super easy. The tool that cleans the teeth is so loud that you’ll definitely be glad for them that they’re asleep!
i was just thinking about trying to make cashew butter yesterday…you little mind-reader you 🙂
My little guy (a four pound yorkie) has had his teeth cleaned twice so far. I was nervous at first but it seems to be pretty routine. He’s only four and had to have a few teeth pulled bc of the plaque build up! 🙁 It is super expensive but worth it for their health.
Oooh cashew butter sounds amazing!! I may need to make some asap. How many cups of cashews do you add at once?
I’ve never had my chihuahua’s teeth cleaned. Our vet has never suggested it. I wonder why…
Your pups are way too cute for words. Good luck with the teeth cleaning!
I totally have “sunglasses at night” stuck in my head now 😉
Yum! No, I have never gotten my dog’s teeth cleaned because I too am worried about her being put under. My vet did try to get us to brush her teeth once with a finger-puppet type contraption and some liver flavored toothpaste!
wow i didn’t know puppies had to be put to sleep in order to get their teeth cleaned! i learn something new every day 🙂
Hi Gina,
I am a male follower from Canada, pleeeeeeeeeease pull any strings you can to get the sunwarrior promo offered for your Canadian followers also, I waited and waited for wednesdays promo and then to my horror it didn’t cover our region 🙁
Honestly your blog has really helped my life and it be such a big deal if you could fight this little fight for us and put in a good word to get our area included in the shipping. I am an athlete and using both your recipes and the sun warrior is what makes my day run smoothly. Thanks for staying on top of your game because it allows me to stay on top of mine.
Big Fan
hey garett,
thank you so much! i’m definitely working on it… hopefully they’ll see all of the comments begging for canadian shipping, too 🙂
thanks again for reading my little blog!
We haven’t had our dogs’ teeth cleaned professionally, but you have to love the fact that there is beef flavored toothpaste in the world for doing the deed at home!
I just wrote to thank you for the vague reference to “I Wear My Sunglasses at Night” at the beginning of the post. 🙂
We get our dogs’ teeth done every year. Our vet does blood tests a week before they undergo the anesthesia to double-check that everything’s all good and they are very closely monitored. Seriously, don’t fret. As I’m sure you know, it is not cheap! We don’t do ours at the same time since they are about $250 each.
yeah my debit card is already crying
It’s funny you should mention the teeth cleaning. I had never heard of it growing up (and with 3 dogs and 2 cats, I’m not sure how I’d never heard of it). But my fiance told me that all dogs are supposed to have their teeth cleaned and he couldn’t believe that I didn’t know that. I’m still skeptical and now I feel guilty if I make my babies get it done, but I feel guilty if I don’t too! Let us know how it goes for them!
seriously! i feel bad both ways…
wow that is def something great to be doing at midnight! love it! looks so good! I have never tried cashew butter before!
I never knew dogs had to be put to sleep to get their teeth cleaned! I hope the pups do well! They will!!!! xoxo
Yum! That looks so good. I wish I had a food processor that could handle making nut butters.
Also, we took my cat to the vet for a tooth cleaning a few times. He wasn’t always super happy when waking up, but he got through it. My boyfriend’s dog has also had multiple surgeries (she was hit boy a car when she was six months old and had to have hip surgery, her kidney taken out, and she was eventually fixed, originally the breeder wanted her to have puppies cause she’s a perfect example of the breed), and has always come out of the anesthesia ok, so I am sure your pup will be ok. Good luck!
Cashew butter is my fav! I always make it ‘plain’ though but with vanilla sounds awesome!! Did you soak your nuts or no?
I need to get our dogs teeth cleaned and I am scared too, but reading about everyone’s good experiences makes me feel better. Thanks for mentioning it Gina!
Good luck to the puppers and to you! I think the teeth cleaning should be followed by vanilla ice cream!
ahh now that song is going to be stuck in my head!
you are a nut buttah genius, my dear 🙂
I have a 5 lb yorkie and he’s had he teeth cleaned twice and he’s about to turn 3! He also had to have some teeth pulled when his adult ones came in and the baby ones didn’t fall out. Poor little guy, I always worry but he’s always been fine!
Lovessss the cashew butter! Almost looks like hummus!
FREAKIN’ WEEKEND…gotta love an R.Kelly reference! Your pooches always make me 🙂
Hey Gina! Since you’re mostly vegetarian and get a lot of protein from nuts, you go through the butters pretty quickly…but how long can you store a homemade nut butter before it goes rancid?
Ooh, I love nut butter sauces to amp up a breakfast!
Gina I heart your blog. And your dogs.
I hate that your fur daughters have to be put to be put to sleep to get their toofers cleaned. I have never had my fur daughter’s teeth cleaned. We asked the vet once and he said she didn’t need it….he said it was because she had *no* plaque on her teeth since we always give her chew toys. When you frequently give your dogs chew toys that take a long time to chew on, the hard toy scrapes all the plaque off. Might need to see if you can find some vegan chewy toys for V and Bella! 🙂
I WANT a massage so badly. I have a prenatal 90 min one I got through Groupon but I’m trying to save it until I’m further along and likely more uncomfortable. I would love one right now though.
Yes! My dogs have had their teeth cleaned at the vet!! It’s hard, because I HATE putting the pups under, but trust your vet. Your dogs are in good health so they will be fine. Now, every dog is different, so when you pick them up they may not want to eat, throw up or have diarrhea. Just give em Lots of love!! 🙂
I have a reader’s request post!! I took advantage of that awesome promo for 20% off the Thriv fitness gear you tweeted last night. I’m very excited because they apparently use bamboo intheir fabric which I know is so so soft (I have a pair of 100% bamboo sheets and they are practically satin- so wonderful). Anyhow, you obviously know your fitnessclothing and have undoubetly tried many-a-brand. How about a review of the different brands on points such as quality, moisture qicking, most comfortable, price, style, etc? I would love to hear your opinions on how different brands compare!