Little Goat
Hi guys! It’s INDIAN FOOD WEDNESDAY!! 😀 Are you celebrating? I’ve got a hot date with the buffet later… and my husband 😉 Heh heh.
Last night was so chill. I caught up on emails and read the 5th Harry Potter book. I’m trying to catch up, but that 5th book is a beast!
A lovely combination of:
-steamed organic veggies
-kalamata olives
-Tahini and Garlic Gold
all wrapped up in romaine leaves
(+ about 4 more- they couldn’t all fit on one plate)
As beautiful as the meal was, it was slightly messy to eat, especially since I was devouring it with gusto. The Pilot said I look like a little goat when I eat salads and the like.
I have no idea what he’s talking about 😉
This morning, I couldn’t wait to have some bfast cookie dough cereal:
The usual mix of
-1/2 C oats
-1 T nut butter (I used walmond butter)
-1/2 scoop Sun Warrior (deets on the awesome promo at the end of this post)
-almond milk
-goji berries
-sliced banana
Well I’m off to walk the puppers and then teach bootcamp!
Hope you have a wonderful day <3
Something to think:
"Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how…We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark." — Agnes de Mille, dancer
Something to do: If you’ve been wanting to try Sun Warrior, my protein lovahhh, or replenish your stash, today is a great day 🙂
OpenSky is running a ridiculous Sun Warrior promo– $35 per pack! This stuff is usually around $50… it’s pricey, but it’s GOOD. You can get chocolate and vanilla for $65. These babies are going to go fast and the first 100 to order will also get a sample of chia seeds.
To guarantee that there are no order probs, all orders will be shipped on Monday. If you don’t receive your order when you’re supposed to, OpenSky will give ya a coupon/gift certificate.
To hit up the deal, *click here* 😀
The goat pic made me LOL at work. 🙂 I left you a note last week that I was eagerly anticipating my first Sun Warrior shipment (bummer I didn’t wait a week!). Well it came and I’m psyched to try it…but I have a question. When they refer to a scoop, does that mean a Tbsp.? I assumed a scooper came in the pkg since that’s how the serving size is listed, but no such luck. Thanks!
darnit, ship to Canada, comeon! lol
i want to try some so bad
I have yet to try indian food, but I move downtown for school tomorrow and there is a cute little Indian restaurant by my apartment. I think I have to try it after seeing how delicious your indian food pictures always look!
Haha the goat comment cracked me up! 🙂
quick question- I love your workout outfit in the above picture. Where’s a good place to get workout clothes on the cheap?
Hi Doll! I thought of you today because I whipped out a baggy of SunWarrior from my purse and threw it in my Sbucks oatmeal. Perfection <3
That is a great deal on the SunWarrior! Love it!!! I just started playing around w/ my OpenSky. Just joined it…yesterday 🙂 Obvi you’re an old pro and are hookin up deals left and right for your readers…way to go girl!!!
You would love my neighborhood. There is Indian food every 3rd restaurant and some indian restaurant stuffed a carryout/delivery menu in my door the other day and when I saw it, I thought of you. Free delivery til 2am with a $10 minimum purchase. One never needs to leave the house if that’s the case 🙂
free delivery until 2am? i’m pretty sure those are the best words i’ve ever heard, haha
It is only 10am on the west coast and all of the chocolate is already sold out! bummer : ( I wasn’t able to get it last time either.
Will you be able to do this promo again sometime soon?
I can’t wait to get my sun warrior!!
I think goats are cute; full of personality. I thought you were gonna talk about goat cheese.
Hey Gina, two random questions:
How did you know when you reached your “happy weight”? And, do you pre-plan by the week what your workouts are going to look like? I’m not sure if I should make days when I know that I’ll be treating myself more coincide with rest days or if I should be super vigilant in making sure that if I have a treat day I’m working out, too.
hey girl,
i found out when my happy weight was something that’s hard for me to mess with. i’m at a point where it would take a lot of hard work to lose weight and a lot of junk food to gaint weight. for treat days, i usually try to have them when i’ve worked out that day.
Thank you for the quote this morning. It was exactly the reassurance I need as I get ready to take a few big next-steps in the coming week, including starting MBA classes!
the goat is super cute lol!
The pic of you with the Sun Warrior is awesome!! And what a great quote – so true!
Great quote. Just wanted to say the pictures on your site are looking better every day! Looks like you and the new camera are getting along very well!
thank you! i still feel like i have no clue what i’m doing hahah.
Haha that’s so funny about the goat comment! I’m sure I must look pretty messy when I’m shoveling in salads too. 😉
Hi Gina , I am curious if there is ANY way that the sunwarrior can be delivered to canada. I am one of your loyal followers and have been waiting for this promo and just realized it wouldnt let me type in canada for delivery 🙁 is there any way around it to get it delivered here?
they don’t have canadian shipping 🙁 i know opensky is working on getting canadian shipping- i hope it happens soon!
Romaine leaves as vehicle for yummy toppings – brilliance! Why have I not thought of this before? Now I’m pondering all the snacky possibilities with this. (Thanks!)
Hehe…I love that goat picture 🙂
I am officially heart broken , i just ran out of sunwarrior and was pumped to order new stuff today for the amazing deal LOL. oooo well , we need to get open sky working faster to get canadian shipping, us canadian girls are missing out LOL
i’m sorry! 🙁 hopefully soon
we canadian girls are DEF missing out! hopefully soon, theres a couple of us it seems, to it’d be worth their while lol
i know, right?? hopefully soon!
*giggling** In that last picture your dog is looking at you like, “what the huh?”
Love your blog (0:
How did you get that awesome jumping pic! We would all loveee to see bloopers 😉
hey girl,
that cereal looks fab–im going to start picking one day a week and eating raw until dinner and see how i feel. how did that work out for you when you tried it..are you still doing it? i dont know if i could go completely raw with my lifestyle anddd because i just love food 😀
i’ve gotten away from the raw thing just because i haven’t been craving it as much and it’s so hard to find a variety of ingredients here. when i get to orlando, i expect my rawness to go up 🙂 raw until dinner is a great way to go- i did it for almost a year and loved it
Ahhh every Wednesday I’m jealous of your Indian eats! It’s been too long!
Is Sun Warrior super sweet? I don’t really like sweet protein powders.
it does have stevia but isn’t super sweet
As a dancer I can appreciate that quote. Thank you for including it today, as I have had a particularly rough afternoon! Can I share one of my favorite dance quotes with you? They who dance find infinite golden floors beneath their feet.- Marjorie Allen Seiffert. It always reminds me of why I love dance so much!
I’m so jealous of your Indian feasts every week! You could teach my “Italian ONLY!” household a thing or two! haha
LOVE that quote- thank you!
Hi Gina
Can ppl from Australia purchase stuff from your open sky store???
i think it’s just US right now 🙁 i think they’re working on getting international shipping
I just laughed out loud at that goat picture! So funny
I wish opensky shipped to Canada, I want to try Sun Warrior soo bad and this promo is amazzzzzzzzzzing. Have a good day, Gina 🙂
Ahhh I wish I could just grab that bowl of oats and pull it out of my computer screen! Haha it seriously looks soooo good! My name is Maggie, and I’m new to the food blogging world, but also new to overnight oats. I’ve become obsessed with the taste and texture, and when I bought some goji berries at Whole Foods today I was wondering how I could incorporate them well-now you’ve given me the recipe! So psyched to give it a shot
goji berries are awesome in cookies, too with chocolate chips… mmmm 🙂
Those lettuce wraps look soo good! I love the pic of you and the sun warrior!
Do you soak your breakfast cookie dough overnight? I want to eat it for breakfast tomorrow!
nope, i just make it in the morning minus the smashed banana and add more milk 🙂
Great! Thanks 🙂
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