178: Why headaches are a health wakeup call with Dr. Scott Vrzal

January 30, 2025

Sharing a new podcast episode with Dr. Scott Vrzal with the meaning behind your headaches and what you can do about it. We talk about: – What headaches mean and what to do about it – The 7 specific patterns for headaches – How gut health ties into all of this – His strategies for…

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Homemade Goat Cheese

Hi guys How are you?? Thank you so much for the incredible comments and words of support today. My mom read the comments to me as I drove, some made me cry little happy tears and all of them warmed my heart <3 Weโ€™re having fun so far- gabbing, singing and a few nuts jokes…

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Fun Pack

Hi friends! Howโ€™s your day been? *Last chance to bid on macaroons! Itโ€™s for an excellent cause and Iโ€™ll be throwing lots of foodie goodies in there. A Gina fun pack, if you will haha Thanks again for the awesome comments and love today. <3 The โ€œwhy Iโ€™m movingโ€ post will be up in the…

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What the Doc Ordered

Hey guys How are you? Hope youโ€™re having a happy Monday. Thank you so much for all of your good vibes and support. Your tweets, texts, emails, phone calls, virtual and real hugs mean more to me than you know. You canโ€™t have good without the bad, and I feel like the next chapter of…

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The nomad

Hi friends <3 How are you?? Hope youโ€™ve had a beautiful Sunday. If you follow me on Twitter, you already know about the kind of day Iโ€™ve had. It was bad. But letโ€™s focus on the positive: I had a good lunch: took an AWESOME Dance Trance class have a good friend staying with me…

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Deep Chocolate Lurve

Hi friends How are you??? The dogs are thoroughly confused because packing extravaganza began last night. Theyโ€™re wondering why this is already happening againโ€ฆ. I told them the post would be up Tuesday morning In between packing up boxes that I took home from work, listening to music and practicing my Dance Trance dances, I…

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