3.14 Friday Faves

March 14, 2025

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Itโ€™s been a rough few weeks around here. Everyone is healthy (thank goodness) but weโ€™re going through a bit of a rough patch. I can probably share more when weโ€™re on the other side, but weโ€™re *in it* right now. Something that has brought me joy:…

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For the love of all things yogi…

I just had my asana handed to me. It was by far the most challenging yoga class Iโ€™ve ever taken. The class was 2.5 hours (whoa!) at Yoga Oasis and was called The Practice- the instructor practices with the students. In other words, it was a Cirque du Soleil rehearsal. Arm balances, inversions, every pose…

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Smiling’s My Favorite

Hi guys! How are you?? Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful weekend <3 It was a lovely first full day in Tucson. Almost all of the to-doโ€™s got checked off the list, too -Signed the papers on where Iโ€™ll be living (I move in next week!) -Met some lovely lulus -Got my gym membership taken care…

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Queen of Substitutions

Hey bloggies hey! Itโ€™s FRIDAY What are you up to this weekend?? Iโ€™m going to be planning out my life, chilling with the fam and Tucson friends, and making up for lost vegetables When the Madre and I got into Tucson last night, my grandparents suggested getting Sweet Tomatoes to-go since we were all hungry…

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Healthy Living in NYC

Hi friends We made it!!!!!!! As we crossed into Arizona, I sighed with relief. This is where Iโ€™m supposed to be Iโ€™m gonna get settled for the night and catch up with the fam, and Iโ€™ll be back with regular blog action in the morning. In the meantime, hereโ€™s an awesome guest post from another…

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No Matter Where I am…

Iโ€™m never that far from โ€œhomeโ€ Heh hehe. How are you guys?? Itโ€™s almost Friday! And weโ€™re almost to Tucson- itโ€™s our last day of driving Madre and I have had a blasty hanging out โ€“I may have taught her the lyrics to the Nicki Minaj โ€œBottoms Upโ€ rap- and the puppers have been amazing.…

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