Prime Big Deals Day

Prime Big Deals Day (the best stuff)

October 8, 2024

Sharing the best of the best from today and tomorrow’s Prime Day deals!   Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! The kids are home from school for fall break, and while we’re staying in town, I’m definitely looking forward to some fun adventures. This week, we plan…

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Greeted with Foodgasms

Hi guys!! How are ya? Thank you so much for your sweet comments today. It was kind of a rough one and I don’t want any of ya’ll to feel sorry for me because I chose this lifestyle (and 99.99999% of the time, adore it)… but on the rare occasions when I need to vent,…

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To Be Redundant…

Hi friends <3 Sorry to be redundant, but… I had a banana with AB before my AM weights sesh (again) did the workout thang and then had pumpkin protein oats (again). (I garnished them with goji berries instead of cacao nibs just to make them a *little* different) I miss my Pilot so much my…

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Windows Down

Heyyy ! How’s your day going?? Holy tees and cookies! Keep those giveaway entries coming   And thank you so mucho to those of you who have voted already <3 This morning, I totally changed around my plans. Since I started working full-time, every day has been rush rush rush. Blog, workout, pre-blog, work, finish…

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Shirts and Cookies

Hi guys!! How are ya this lovely Monday morning?? It’s COLD here!! Actually, it’s like 50 degrees, but it feels so beautiful outside. Fall, I lurve you so. <3 I also love…. ROONS 😀 Those are to send out to friends, but I munched one with an apple as a pre-gym snack 😉 There was…

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Patience is a Virtue

That apparently I don’t have How’s your day going? I’m doing the work blogging thing right now on a netbook that will be making a happy trip to Best Buy on Tuesday when I’m off. It’s still being verrrryyyyyy slow. If I ask it to do more than one thing at a time, it threatens…

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