The best nontoxic air fryers

March 17, 2025

Sharing a roundup of the best nontoxic air fryers.ย  Hi friends! Happy Monday and happy St. Patrickโ€™s Day! What do you have going on? P has spring break, the girls have their usual activities, and weโ€™re headed to San Diego later this week. I.canโ€™t.wait. For todayโ€™s post, I wanted to chat a bit about nontoxic…

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Avocado hair mask

Hi guys! How are you?? Hope youโ€™re having a lovely morning! <3 To start things off, the winner of the macaroons giveaway: Congrats, Eileen!! Send me your shipping info (fitnessista at gmail dot com) and Iโ€™ll get them in the mail tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜€ If you didnโ€™t win the giveaway, no need to fret ๐Ÿ˜€ The…

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Women’s Health Workouts

Hi guys! Howโ€™s your day been?? Um, HOLY MACAROONS ๐Ÿ˜€ Keep those giveaway entries coming! Iโ€™ll announce the future roon holder in the morning ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your lovely comments have definitely helped bring a smile to my face -I love hearing what youโ€™re excited about. I wanted something COLD for lonchi, so I made a butterfinger…

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Just Another Macaroon Monday (Giveaway)

Hi guys!! Happy Monday! Howโ€™s your morning going?? Last night, while watching the VMAs, my sweet tooth came and hit me in the face. Usually Iโ€™ll have a cup of tea and think it over, but I knew it wasnโ€™t messing around ๐Ÿ˜‰ So I made a small batch (1/2 the recipe) of Julieโ€™s flourless…

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Burrito Bootay

Heyyyyyy ๐Ÿ™‚ How are you doing? Hope youโ€™ve had a lovely Sunday! We didnโ€™t make it to the pool today, but were super productive and got some chill time in ๐Ÿ˜€ Mid-afternoon, I snacked on an organic applesauce with cinnamon and then had another one. It tasted SO delicious- applesauce is extremely underappreciated ๐Ÿ˜‰ While…

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Saturday Night in Vegas

Hi guys! How are you?? Thank you so much for the sweet comments on our Zumbathon. I canโ€™t wait to do another fundraiser even though it hurts to be alive right now– I am SO sore. WAY more sore than the day after a half marathon! Zumba is no joke ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last night, my boss…

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