9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Get Yo Warrior On

Hi guys! Happy Monday! How’s your morning going?? I started mine off with a mixed berry smoothie: -1 C almond milk -1 scoop Sun Warrior -1 C frozen mixed organic berries -1 T raw cacao powder -1/2 T maca -1/2 banana All blended up in the Vita-mixalicious 🙂 Today is a very special day because…

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Sunday Flowers

Hey guys! Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a relaxing afternoon 🙂 This morning, I had protein pancakes on the brain. Topped with 1/2 bananner and 1 T maple syrup, they were perfect 😀 I took out the little ladies:   and went to Publizzle (aka Publix) for some groceries. It was a good hint that…

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Sweet Day

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday 😀 Hope you’ve had a wonderful day so far. I’m so glad ya’ll like the crepe recipe– please let me know if any of you give it a whirl 🙂 Last night, I met up with some friends for dinner at Longhorn since the guys were working late. I had the…

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(Yes, that would be a re-work of the old school TLC song) Hi guys! How are ya? Sorry I had some blog glitches yesterday. The blog was feeling a little hormonal and cranky, but I gave her some crepes and all is bueno in the world 😉 Here’s the recipe I’ve been promising ya’ll: Whole-grain…

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Bubba is Back

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend 😀 So, remember when the pilot’s Bubba Keg mysteriously disappeared while we were in the Bahamas? Evita and her husband (The Engineer) were so kind to send a replacement Bubba Keg to the pilot 🙂 How awesome is that?! He’s such a…

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