9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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I Swoon 4 ‘Roons

Hey everyone 😀 How’s your day been? It’s almost Friday! Thank goodness, eh? This week has be dragging for me. This morning, I made some macaroons to send to the blogiversary winners since the rest of their packages are ready to go 😀 Blonde ‘roons Super ‘roons Cacao almond-butter ‘roons, I swoon 4 roons 😀…

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Come here, McDreamy

Hi guys! How’d your morning going?? I was robbed of blood. Had to get some blood work done at the doc’s this morning. As you guys know, I’m the hugest needle-phobe to walk the planet and the only guys I would truly be comfortable taking my blood would be Dr. McDreamy or Edward Cullen. But…

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Indian Food Baby

Heyyy 🙂 How are ya? Hope you’re having a fabulous Indian Food Wednesday 😀 Last night, since our AC was broken, this was my bed: The couch with my comfy pillow, some sheets from when I was in high school (!) + an ice pack on my legs It was painful. The good news is…

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Turn Around

Hey guys 😀 Happy Indian Food Wednesday! How are you celebrating?? I’ll be hitting up the Indian buffet with some friends on a break from work- I can taste the roti already 🙂 Today’s post title was inspired by this epic video: (Source– sorry for the blurry quality, it was the best version on YouTube)…

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Bribing the Chompers

Heyyyy 😀 How are ya?? I’m so glad ya’ll liked the Smoothie Post.. and the flasher banana, haha. It’s one of my faves. Thank you so much for the happy dentist vibes on Twitter, too 🙂 I’m happy to say that the cavity filling was a success. The sweet little assistant even rubbed my shoulder…

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