9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! Iโ€™m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, canโ€™t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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That’s a Spicy Meatball

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Hope your day has been lovely so far ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m so excited that Iโ€™ll be meeting so many of you in Chicago during the Healthy Living Summit weekend. It will be a blasty, fo sho ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last night, we were hankering for sushi, so we picked some up at Publizzle. I…

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AB Dip with a Twist

Hey everyone! Sorry Iโ€™m a little later posting today- itโ€™s been go go go all day ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally time to chillax a little. I loved reading your comments on the last post– itโ€™s comforting to know that Iโ€™m not only one totally freaking out about the oil spill, but heartbreaking that we have to think…

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Greens n’ Goat Cheese

Hey everyone! ITโ€™S FRIDAY!!! Yahooooooo ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend. After yesterdayโ€™s workout, I chugged this shake before taking a shower and heading back to train a client and teach. -1 C almond milk -1/2 frozen banana -1 scoop Sun Warrior -1/2 T raw cacao powder -1/2 T maca -Stevia,…

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Nothin’ like the real thang

Sup bloggies ๐Ÿ™‚ How are ya? Hope your afternoon is going fabulously. After my Core Fusion/Pilates workout, I made a perfect breakfast. Perfect protein pancakes ๐Ÿ™‚ These were a little different because instead of using the Sun Warrior entirely for the protein, I used 1 serving of Vanilla Vega Smoothie To-Go and 1/2 serving Sun…

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Easy on the butter, heavy on the cheesecake

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your morning going?? Mine has been pretty bueno- trying to keep the dogs from rough-housing. We used to let them play like that, but after Vies tried to make a snack out of Bella, they arenโ€™t allowed to touch each other. Last night was such a blasty ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a friendโ€™s…

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