how I overcame autoimmune struggles

January 17, 2025

Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures…

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“If it sounds too good to be true…

It probably is.” It took me a while to figure out how I was going to write this post, but after much debating on how I’m gonna put it all out there, I decided that simplicity would be best. G.R.O.O.V.E is a no-go. Some things went down on Friday and the owners and I decided…

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‘Roon Winner, Fiesta Dinner

Hi lovely bloggies! Hope your morning is going well! Last night was quite a fiesta 😉 Before we get into all of that, here’s the winner of the macaroon giveaway: Meaghan!! Congrats, girl! Send me your shipping info and which flavor macaroons you would like (super-roons with cacao nibs, goji, chia seeds and maca, cacao…

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Hey everyone! WHOA! Looks like ya’ll want some macaroons 😀 I love reading about the things that make you happy. Keep those entries rolling in and I’ll announce the winner in the am. Today has been bueno, but I woke up with eye goobies (seksi, right? haha), a sandpaper throat and a stuffy nose. The…

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WSU Re-cap + a Giveaway

Hi guys! Happy Monday!   (Source) (Yes, “relevant” is spelled incorrectly… still funny, though) Did ya’ll say “rabbit” three times when you got out of bed?? My nana said that it’s good luck to do that on the first of the month, and in my quarter century of life, I haven’t remembered to do it…

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Tiara Countdown is On

Hi guys! Hope you’re having a glorious, relaxing Sunday 😀 I started the day off with a 6-miler! It was the last long-ish run before the Princess Half next Sunday. Yikers! Before leaving the casa, I had 1/2 banana with almond butter, cinnamon and mesquite. I didn’t want to go to heavy with the food,…

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