Journaling prompts to use this fall

September 25, 2024

Sharing some journaling prompts you can use as we wrap up the last portion of the year.  Hiiii friends! Happy Wednesday! What do you have going on this week? My newest baby niece will be born this week and I can’t wait! I’m excited to put some baby meals together 🙂 Today, I wanted to…

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Dream combos

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a splendid morning 🙂 I’m so glad ya’ll enjoyed the skincare post– I was a little nervous to put a makeup-less pic of myself for the world to see (sans eyeliner! the horror!), but realized it was no big deal 🙂 You all are my friends, so I decided to…

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Reader’s Request: Skincare

Hey everyone! How’s your day going? Hope it’s been bueno so far 😀 I’ve received a few emails like the following and figured it’d be a fun idea for a reader’s request post! Dear Gina, Would you please do a blog post on what you do to take care of your skin? Guess I need…

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Once, Twice, Three Times a Vampire

Heyyyyyy 😀 Happy Monday! How was the rest of your weekend? Our Sunday was muy bueno—we cleaned around the casa and Jeni and I convinced our pilots to see New Moon with us. The snide comments were pretty minimal… the guys just waited until the movie was over to make fun of everyone 😉 And…

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All Things That Are Good

Hey everyone! Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a relaxing day 😀 We have dubbed today winter cleaning 2009- so the pilot and I are going to do some mayjah reorganization up in herrrre. Who’s stoked?!? Me! ME! The pilot? Not so much 😉 Yesterday was pretty much glorious… it was filled with all things that…

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So nice, I blogged it twice

Hey hey hey 😀 Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend so far! Sorry about posting yesterday’s post two times… not sure what happened there and since i’m technologically illiterate, it will probably like that 😉 Last night, since it was FREEEEZING and raining, I busted out my new black Friday coat   Why am I…

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