178: Why headaches are a health wakeup call with Dr. Scott Vrzal

January 30, 2025

Sharing a new podcast episode with Dr. Scott Vrzal with the meaning behind your headaches and what you can do about it. We talk about: – What headaches mean and what to do about it – The 7 specific patterns for headaches – How gut health ties into all of this – His strategies for…

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Friday Faves

Helloooooo! Itโ€™s the freakinโ€™ weekend. FINALLY. Is it just me, or did the week drag on a little bit? Or maybe I was just a little overeager for the weekend, the Pilot being home, and spending time with friends. My good friend Ashley and her husband are in town, and weโ€™re going to spend the…

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5 Fitness Changes You Can Make Right Now

Hey hey! How are ya? YAY that itโ€™s almost the weekend. Weโ€™ve just been chilling over here, and Iโ€™m really looking forward to spending the day with the girls and subbing Zumba. โ€œDespacitoโ€ continues to be my favorite Zumba song, even though my world was shattered a bit when Justin claimed he didnโ€™t even know…

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This sriracha chicken and cauliflower stir fry is the perfect healthy dinner or lunch option. Itโ€™s high in protein, gluten-free, dairy-free, and family-friendly. Pack up the extras as lunch, or enjoy as part of your weekly meal prep. fitnessista.com

Sriracha Chicken and Cauliflower Stir Fry [dairy-free, gluten-free]

This sriracha chicken and cauliflower stir fry is the perfect healthy dinner or lunch option. Itโ€™s high in protein, gluten-free, dairy-free, and family-friendly. Pack up the extras as lunch, or enjoy as part of your weekly meal prep. Hey hey friends! How are you? Keep those awesome thredUP giveaway entries coming!! Hope youโ€™re having a…

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Saving on athletic clothes + a HUGE giveaway

This post is sponsored by my friends at thredUP and includes an awesome giveaway opportunity. Read on for all the details! Itโ€™s not really a secret that we (we=I) have a liiiiittle bit of an athleisure and working clothes shopping problem. Theyโ€™re the clothes Iโ€™m wearing probably 90% of my life, because when Iโ€™m not…

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Cash me in a pop-up tent

Hiii friends! Happy Monday! Thanks for stoppinโ€™ by the blog today. How was your weekend?  Ours ended up being productive and relaxing, with some pool time mixed in there. It was perfect. The weekend fun started off Friday morning when I met up with Lindsay to shoot some workout photos. Weโ€™ve been taking lots of…

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