10.25 Friday Faves

October 25, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? We’re heading out on a Disney cruise with the crew! I’ll definitely report back with the adventures but we’re going straight from Orlando fun to the cruise ship. This is Disney cruise #5 (our last one is here) and we’re definitely not stopping anytime…

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For [body] shame

[Just a head’s up that if reading about body image is an uncomfortable or triggering topic for you, this might be a post to skip. What we read can affect us in a positive or negative way, so please use your best judgment and choose literature that nourishes your body and mind. If you’re in…

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Something outta nothing + a new arm burner

After a weird couple of days -sorry again for the server issues!- we’re back to blogging action 🙂 It was so strange to not be able to post, but I am so thankful to Cody and Ryan for their hard work to get the blog going again. Every post for the rest of the summer:…

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Focus On: Aqua Zumba

Hi friends! Thank you for your patience while we switched hosts and servers with the blog. It ended up being kind of a mess -hiccups tend to happen with this sort of thing- but my amazing web wizard was hard at work fixing everything as it occurred. The new server should prevent any future downtime.…

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Faileo Oats

I love creating healthy versions of classic faves. Not necessarily because everything has to be healthy -there’s a time and place for everything, and when it’s time for real chocolate chip cookies the place is in my face- but because it’s fun to experiment in the kitchen. One of my all-time faves is sweet potato pasta;…

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Tips for a first group fitness workshop

One of my favorite parts about being a group fitness instructor is the ability to attend workshops for continuing education credits. One of main requirements to remain certified is to attend workshops or lectures that count for a specific amount of points throughout the two-year span. While it can be kind of a pain to…

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