10.4 Friday Faves

October 4, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I hope you have a fun weekend ahead! I *hope* we’re finally going to decorate for Halloween, and I’m going to make an ofrenda for Día de los Muertos. P has a basketball game, Liv has dance, we have a date night planned, and…

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Vegas Purchases: 6/5

I’ve gotten a LOT better at packing for trips. For 3-day weekend vacays, I used to pack a giant suitcase, a carryon, at least 5 pairs of shoes and a ton of outfits.. just so I’d have options. Even though I’ve become borderline ninja in my packing abilities and only pack a carryon now, the…

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Vegas is our Disneyland

Hi friends! How are ya? We’re here safe and sound in Las Vegas, and already having a blasty 🙂 We decided that Vegas is like our Disneyland.. we get the same kind of excitement from being here that we did going to Disneyland as kids. It’s shopping, eating, entertainment, party paradise 🙂 When we got…

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On our way

Hey friends! Hope you’re having a lovely morning so far <3 I didn’t get the chance to post again last night because after work — we went to dinner with the fam and then it was packing, get-ready frenzy up in herrrre. Work was fantastic –I love it so much- and then I came home…

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Baking Animal

Hey! Happy Saturday! Hope you’re sleeping in 🙂 Last night, we watched Get Him to the Greek (HILARE, btw) and I was perusing blogs on the computer. It’s a luxury to read blogs at night from a legit computer, since usually I depend on my phone during the day to catch me up 🙂 Anyway,…

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Leave with a hug and a kiss

Hi friends 😀 How’s your Friday treating ya? Things are bueno over here 🙂 Before we left for my doctor’s appointment, I was presented with a plate of fluffy egg whites, with garlic, sea salt, pepper and goat cheese. Why does food taste so much better when other people make it? More specifically, why does…

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