10.4 Friday Faves

October 4, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I hope you have a fun weekend ahead! I *hope* we’re finally going to decorate for Halloween, and I’m going to make an ofrenda for Día de los Muertos. P has a basketball game, Liv has dance, we have a date night planned, and…

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Happy Meal

Hi friends! How was your Friday?? I’m a little late posting tonight, because it was one of the very few times in my life when I wasn’t sure what to write about. Of course I cried watching the Royal Wedding (as expected- so beautiful), went to work for a half day and ate some very…

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Friday Lovin’

Hey friends! Happy Friday! Aaaaaaand happy, happy royal wedding day 🙂 Can you believe I slept through it? No DVR –it’s in the POD, along with my life- and it wasn’t possible to wake up at 3am and not be a zombie today. I’m relying on the constant day coverage and E! to catch me…

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Makin’ [Tempeh] Bacon

Hi friends! A very special hello to all of the new readers out there, too 🙂 Hope you’ve had a lovely day <3 Thank you for your amazing discussion this morning- I’ve loved reading your tips and advice, and will be answering any questions you asked after this post goes up. My work day was…

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Let’s Talk About: Gym Confidence + Gear Options

Hi friends! How’s your morning going? Hope it’s been lurvely so far 🙂 Last night, I took Bella to one of my little bro’s baseball games. The white dog parade was there! Bell was so happy to see her cousins. (with my nana and stepmom) Today is day #2 at the resort- 6 classes today…

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From Zero to Sixty

in 2 seconds…. 🙂 Hi friends 😀 How was your day? Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks again to my Pilot love for hooking it up with a guest post while I went to my first day at the new j-o-b. The bummer news is that he’s actually in the emergency room right now!…

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