173: Senate Health Roundatable recap

October 3, 2024

Hi friends! I hope that youโ€™re having a lovely morning. Today, I wanted to chat about the Senate Roundtable last week, which was titled, โ€œAmerican Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion.โ€ It included some of my favorite wellness professionals, influencers, and authors, and I was so excited to watch; it felt like my Super Bowl.…

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Fun with Attack Dogs

(Kind of looks like a big Viesa, huh?)   Hey hey, whatโ€™s up, everybody? As you might have guessed, this is the Pilot. Howโ€™re you all doing? Iโ€™m subbing in for the wife whoโ€™s all kinds of busy today. The past couple weeks have been kind of slow, so when she asked me to blog,…

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Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ™‚ How are you? Hope your day has been lovely. Thanks for all of your fabulous comments this morning- Iโ€™m so stoked to hear that the Brita filter works! So the reason why I woke up early as ballz was because my work friends and I went to Miraval, one of the…

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Vegan lentil loaf

Hi friends ๐Ÿ™‚ How are you? Hope youโ€™re sleeping away peacefully when this blog post goes up. Iโ€™m up before the birds (and haaaate the morning!) to go on a work field trip to one of the health resorts in town. Itโ€™s purely work-related, but Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll be able to sneak in some fun…

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Fit Tuesday

Hey friends ๐Ÿ™‚ Howโ€™s your day been? Mine has been superrr productive! I worked on the book proposal for 3 hours and can confidently say itโ€™s halfway done. Iโ€™d like to get it out to the world before the Pilot gets home ๐Ÿ˜‰ In addition to writing, I caressed the almond butter jar and took…

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Reader’s Request: Hiring a Personal Trainer

Hi friends! How are you? Hope youโ€™re having a fabulous morning <3 I started off my day with a bowl of breakfast cookie dough cereal. -1/2 C gluten-free oats -1 heaping T almond butter -1 scoop Standard Process dairy-free (Iโ€™m out of Sun Warrior- thank goodness weโ€™re having a promo this week) -1 C almond…

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