10.4 Friday Faves

October 4, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I hope you have a fun weekend ahead! I *hope* we’re finally going to decorate for Halloween, and I’m going to make an ofrenda for Día de los Muertos. P has a basketball game, Liv has dance, we have a date night planned, and…

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Foodgasm Baby

Hey hey hey! How are you? Hope you had a wonderful weekend <3 Catching up on the blogworld? -The Pilot posted the BIG NEWS and -I’ve been booty shaking the weekend away at a Dance Trance instructors conference After our last day of workshop, I enjoyed an incredible meal, Oscar party and gab fest with…

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Mardi Party

Hiiiiii friends! How are you? Hope you’re having a great morning. After our day of workshops and dancing, we had a Mardi Gras party at a Jax club. You get the idea Needless to say, this morning we were all moving a little slowly. Green juice to the rescue: (green apple, spinach, parsley, lemon) +…

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Hey friends! What a crazy awesome day We spent the morning in a dance-stravanganza sweat fesh, which was located at the DT studio at the beach. After dancing for two hours and learning a ton of new choreography, we broke for lunch and then went back for the biznazz part of things. Some of today’s…

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5 Truths

1. I was a bad blogger today. (She crosses her arms like such a little lady) I didn’t take very many pictures, partially because I was in a frenzy (my first flight to Jacksonville was canceled due to weather and ever since then it’s been go-go-go) and partially because I couldn’t decide if I wanted…

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Reader’s Request: Redeployment

Hey friends! How’s your day been? Has anyone enjoyed Indian food yet today? 🙂 So I’ve received quite a few requests asking for tips when your husband/boyfriend/fiance comes home from being away for a long period of time. I know that many of you are military girlfriends/wives or are in long distance relationships, so hopefully…

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