5 minutes of fiery ab frenzy
Thank so much for all of your wonderful feedback on the new blog design. Cody did such an incredible job- I really love it. The blog has gone through a few facelifts as time has gone on and things have changed around here. Of all the changes I’ve made, I like to think/hope my photography has at least gotten a little better.
The Pilot found this gem while searching through the 2008 archives:
If you’re wondering what the heck that is, that would be a date on a paper towel smeared with almond butter. The sad thing is that at the time, I didn’t even think it was blurry.
The new blog design is one of the many moments where I wish we could all chill and drink a glass of wine.
Since I have yet to figure out the logistics of a virtual vino party, how about an ab burner to celebrate?
“To celebrate.” Heh.
Feel free to add this in after your regular strength/cardio routine, or just for fun before bed. Fellow postpartum mamas, be sure to have the go-ahead from a doc to resume ab work (diastasis recti is no joke), and as evidenced by the video, I’m still building back my core strength. As always, be kind to yourself, honor your body and injuries. Feel free to adjust and modify as needed.
Please leave a comment to let me know how it goes!
Enjoy! <3
What’s your favorite core strengthening move? I have a never-ending hate-love for the plank.
Love these quick ab and booty burners! I work 12 hour shifts – but like to do a little bit of exercise before collapsing into bed – these are perfect! Thanks, Gina!
I just did this 🙂 Thanks, Gina <3 I'll give you a mention in my weekly recap of workouts on Sunday <3 xoxo
Ouch!! That was great!! 🙂
This is a great ab workout and I plan to reference it as a great one to try out in an upcoming blog post!
Thank you so much for your awesome workouts!! I am getting married in two days (meep!) and your workouts have been amazing as I’ve been traveling and running around to tone up and destress. Thank you again!!!!
Wow’za! I feeeeeeel the burn!!! 🙂
Great workout after an 8 mile run!
Just did this after your treadmill toaster workout. Ouch! (but in a good way). Thanks for a great workout tonight.