Baby K’tan giveaway
Itโs been quite a day over here.
Liv hasnโt had a single long nap โIโm scared for what tonight will be like because when she naps well, she sleeps well and vise versa- sheโs on outfit change #4 and Iโm on #3. Weโre still trying to get her to have one long nap in the pack nโ play, and while Tom can get her to fall asleep on her own, I fail miserably. He puts her in the pack nโ play swaddled, stares at her until she starts to close her eyes and walks away. I do the same and when I walk away, she screams bloody murder. Iโll pick her up, pat her and โshhhhh,โ put her back down and she wails. After two tries, she ends up in the Moby or Baby Kโtan.
Since I didnโt know what types of baby carriers/wraps would work best for us, I researched like crazy and ended up buying the organic versions of the Moby, the Ergo and Baby Kโtan. I havenโt used the Ergo with the infant insert yet โTom loves it- but the Mody and KโTan are staples.
I love them both, but think the design of the Baby KโTan is much more user-friendly. Instead of being a gigantic piece of fabric that you have to tie and twist a certain way (I had to watch a few YouTube video how-tos), it consists of two large loops held together by a small loop + a support wrap.
I also prefer the Baby KโTan because itโs easy to put on in public. With the Moby, Iโll have to tie it before I leave the house for wherever weโre going, and if Liv is in the stroller or carseat, I just look like Iโm wearing some kind of ninja wrap. I can put the Baby KโTan in the diaper bag to wear or remove easily. The stroller is more functional, but for quick shopping trips, friendsโ houses and parties, the Baby KโTan or Moby work extremely well.
When a Baby Kโtan representative saw this photo of Liv snoozing in her favorite spot,
he kindly offered to do a giveaway for a lucky reader. The winner can pick any Baby Kโtan carrier in a fabric/color of their choice- it also makes an awesome gift for an expectant friend.
Two ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment with a funny story about when you were a baby (or about your kiddos)
2. Tweet โI want to win @babyktan from @fitnessista โ
The lucky winner will be chosen tomorrow (Tuesday, 3/13) night at midnight EST.
I would love to win this, I am 32 weeks along ! Funny baby story: I pulled the Christmas tree down on top of myself when I was about 10 months old: after that, the parents barricaded the area around the tree so I couldn’t get to it!
We were out to eat the other day and my husband ordered a burger. My son asked for a bite then said, “never-mind dad I’ll just get one from my nose, it’s free that way” haha!! I have never heard anything so hilarious in my life! He was very matter of fact!
omg!!! hahaha
I don’t really recall any baby stories but I was quite a sneaky toddler! One time, I crawled up on the couch, unlocked the deadbolt and left the house. I wanted to go swimming but it was raining that day and I wasn’t taking no for an answer ๐ Also, I once hid in my toy chest and ended up falling asleep and my poor mother couldn’t find me and called the police and everything. It’s a wonder I didn’t give my mom a heart attack! Thanks for this awesome giveaway ๐
This would be an awesome win – I feel the same way about the Moby…putting it on in public is such a production! Funny story about my 2 year old: My husband is from a family of cattle ranchers and red meat is obviously a staple of his, but while he is deployed we don’t eat much meat except for chicken every once in awhile. The other day at dinner my daughter yelled “I want meat” when I said it was right there pointing to her chicken, she cried, “That’s not meat, that’s chicken.” Her father’s daughter, I guess…
Hey Gina!
So my little man isn’t quite here yet (three weeks from today!), but I have a little anecdote that my grandma likes to bring up all the time. Apparently when I was little, I hated wearing clothes. I would be dressed, and somehow, not very much time had passed before I was down to the diaper or less. ๐ There is a picture of me at my second birthday, running around and in the kiddie pool, naked, with my best friend…Jacob :). My grandma still likes to call me a prude since I now wear clothes. I hope this story makes you smile!
I don’t know if this is more funny or more just cute, but my daughter is just starting to put words together, and she will walk around the house pointing things out and describing them to us: “Dada book,” “Mama shoe,” etc. It’s adorable! I used the Moby with her and loved it, except for the exact same things you pointed out. I would love to try the K’Tan for #2 who is on the way!
Funny kid story: The other day, we decided to tell our oldest that she was going to get another brother or sister, although perhaps we should have phrased it better…Apparently, to a 3 year old, “How would you like another baby brother or sister” means “We’re thinking of getting rid of your little brother. Want another one?” because she burst into tears and wailed, “No! I want [our second child’s name]!!!” Luckily after we explained ourselves a bit better, she was thrilled and is so excited to add to our family. Needless to say, with my third on the way, a carrier will certainly come in handy when I need both of my hands to attend to the others. ๐
When I was less than 2, I managed to move a chair and build myself a stool on top of it out of a step stool and a book to get up to the counter in the kitchen. Imagine my parent’s surprise when they found me sitting on the counter with a bag of cookies in my hand!
Okay… the other day Claire slept for a really long time (she’s not sleeping today either.. spring maybe?) and I started to actually get nervous when she hit the two hour mark. A guy came to the door and I got a little wierded out. When the guy left I thought, “It’s been too long.. I’m going to go and check on her.” When I got back there it took a while for my eyes to adjust in the dark but when they did… she. was. not. there. I flipped my wig. I mean really flipped out. I started digging around in the crib, in the corners, lifting up blankets.. and as my eyes totally adjusted and it was clear that she seriously wasn’t there I went into all out panic mode- screaming and crying out to Jesus!! Then.. I realized she had fallen asleep in the carseat and I had carried it in and sat it in the corner.. needless to say I had freaked her out too and she was then shaking and screaming in the carseat… Oops. I’d really love the baby k’tan. I think it would be much easier to actually take places and use rather than the yards of material.
It sounds like you are putting Olivia down when she is only lightly sleeping. Try rocking or swaying with her until her limbs are heavy. Then slowly put her into the pack and play. My son is 7 weeks old and I bounce on an exercise ball and/or my rocker until he def asleep. Good luck!
that’s a great tip- i’ll try that tomorrow.. finally got her to sleep in the ktan right now!
I don’t really remember anything from when I was a baby, but my mom still has a video of me on Thanksgiving putting on a show in my room. I was singing Halloween songs, Christmas songs, you name it, I was singing and dancing in my room like I was a star. It’s so embarrassing to watch now!
I would love to win this. I’m about 8 weeks right now so it’s still early days.
Shopping at kirklands the other day, my 2 yr old son saw some over sized decorative wine glasses (they were like 2 feet tall), and proclaims loudly “that’s momma’s drink!” The ladies shopping nearby started cracking up ๐
My niece is almost three, and we were heading to the mall the other day. She said, very matter-of-factly, “Something is missing from my neck. I need a necklace.” Needless to say, she got one ๐
atta girl. haha
One of my students once asked me, “is a polar bear a cat?” Seriously ridiculous.
I have baby #2 on the way as well and would love this! My sister has a K’Tan and adored it. Anyway, my daughter (almost 3) is full of good lines these days. With a new baby sister on the way, she is very focused on being the BIG girl. So she will correct us at every turn if we dare say “baby” or “little girl” or something like that. You never know what she is going to say next! Keeps things interesting (-:
What an awesome giveaway!!
I was about 4 years old and I remember wanting to call my mom at work (my mom worked swings so she would always call us at dinner time during her break). My parents had a 911 sticker on the phone, and I dialed those exact numbers since I thought that was the number to my mom’s work. I dial and it starts ringing and some man answers and I hang up. A few minutes pass and it was time to have dinner. So while we’re at the table eating dinner, someone knocks on the door, and it was the cops! Oops! My dad was pretty mad about that one, but now we just laugh!
The story I hear most often about when I was a toddler is from my Grandma. Apparently she was watching me once and while we were playing tea party I decided to go get more water for the pot. After a few minutes of it being a little too quiet my grandma went to check on me and I was in the middle of painting nail polish onto my eyelids! She still jumps a little when telling this story. On another notes, I am just ten weeks with my first baby and a new military wife. I love your blog and am already searching through old post about your pregnancy. Thanks Gina!
I would love to win this carrier especially since we are planning for baby number 4! My Dennis the menace 2 yr old made a snake on my mother in laws white carpet with very dark navy blue nail polish. Thank goodness she is a very understanding grandma!
My little boy is 15 weeks. When he was about a week old, my husband was changing his diaper telling me his method. Just as he did this, the baby projectile pooped all over hubby.
So I’m sick right now…my baby girl looked up at me yesterday, I said hi…and my raspy voice scared the crap out if her! So sad! But slightly funny…
that made me snicker- so funny
I would love to try this wrap when we have Baby #2 this summer!
The funniest thing about our little guy right now is the first words he has started to say. He’s 11 months and says “Dad”, “Bindi” (the dog’s name”, and “Uh oh!”. I think it’s so funny that he thinks Uh Oh is more important to say than Mom! Silly boy ๐
This is great giveaway! It would be perfect for my little baby boy that is coming in early July!
Apparently there was a period of time in which I wore diapers backward. My mom said that I would always flip over in the middle of a diaper change so she would just throw the diaper on however she could. At least I wasn’t like my sister, who would scream and cry if her diaper wasn’t pink…
Ooo I’d love to win! My story- when my brother was an itty bitty baby (I’m almost 5yrs older), a friend &I pulled him out of his crib, changed his clothes, and brought him downstairs from the nursery. We had him all set up in the livingroom when my mom walked in shocked. Yeah… Still remember getting in trouble for that one.
Oh, I would love this! Baby due in June. Funny story about my baby: when my husband gave him his first bottle ever, he forgot to remove an insert that keeps the milk from spilling out. Baby was sucking like crazy because he knew what to do with bottle, but was very frustrated — crying, grunting — and my husband was so confused. It took a few minutes for us to catch on. Brand new parenting is funny.
I would love to win this for a friend who is due next month with her first child and will be a single mom! When I was little (around 2) and my grandmother was visiting, I once emptied out her suitcase and dumped baby powder all over everything!! She was not happy!! Everyone else thought it was hysterical!!
I would love this! I’m sure there are tons of funny stories about me as a young child since I was quite independent. I’m the oldest so my parents wanted to cuddle me all the time but I wouldn’t have it. Apparently I hated to be held and would only sleep if I was lying down somewhere. My mom eventually just realized she wouldn’t get her cuddly baby and assumed all of her kids would be that way. My brother then came around in one of the hottest Augusts on record and all he wanted was to be held. I’m sure a light carrier would have made it a little easier, expecially when caring for two under two
Funny story about when I was a kind/baby: My very first memory is when my parents told me that I would be getting a little brother. I was almost 3. My first response was (for real): “Will I have to share my closet?” ๐
i am pregnant with my first right now and would love this. I don’t have any good toddler stories, I know I was my moms taillight and followed her everywhere. They called me tail light forever!
Oops, meant “kid,” not “kind.” Oh, I tweeted too!
When I was a little girl we lived on a golf course. When my mom turned her back, I would run to the golf course and play in the sand trap. My mom would see me, wave, but let me be. One day a golfer hit his ball into the sand trap I was playing in (he didn’t see me there) and I stole his ball and ran home. About 5 minutes later there was a knock on our door from an angry golfer looking for his ball. My mom just laughed and gave it back to him. Needless to say, I was not allowed to play in the sand traps anymore.
The first time my grandma gave me a bath i peed all over her! I have never heard the end of it. Also not really a baby but when I was about 2 I would refuse to go to bed and I would tell my parents I just want to be with you. How do you say no to that. My mom ended up sleeping with me for a few months in my room. Then one day she told me she was going to sleep in her room with daddy because mommies sleep with daddies and I was totally ok with it. I had no problems after that. I’m looking forward to have stories about my own little one. We have a baby girl coming in July and I would love a Baby K’tan to carry her around!
Great giveaway. I am due in 3 weeks and the Baby K’tan is one of the things that is still on my list. Okay, so funny thing about me when I was a baby…I potty trained myself. I hated dirty diapers, so much that starting at 10ish months I would rip off my diaper (regardless of what was in it). My Mom said she would find me just hanging out without a diaper on. I can only hope that my little man will be that easy to potty train!!
When I was 2 or 3, I was obsessed with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Every time my mom would let me play dress up with her clothes, I’d find a green shirt and purple hat and wear them around like I was Dopey. Not sure why I wanted to be a dwarf instead of a princess, but I’ve always been a little different ๐
I nanny and found myself complaining to my mom today about how stressed out I was from dealing with naughty children. I spent a half hour trying to get one of the little girl’s I watch to pick up a total of 4 toys in the living room today. She won because it was nap time and I realized it wasn’t worth having her be crabby later because her nap was shortened. In the middle of my rant my mom shared the story where I sat in an empty bath tub for 90 minutes one night because I refused to clean up my bath toys. Ridiculous.
I guess today was just karma ๐
What a great giveaway! When I was a baby, my parents said I was a little fish and loved swimming. There are videos of me putting my face in the water and smiling at age 6 months!
My nephew calls ice cream “ha grease” and every time he wants it he starts chanting “ha grease.” So now our whole family always asks him if he wants “hot grease” after dinner. Sure enough, he says “yes.”
I love any new baby carriers and haven’t tried the ktan. I love your story about you and your hubs trying to get baby down for nap!!! That is still us!!! Lol ๐ a funny story… Hmm, I have three kids, this should easy;) my red head who is three took my credit card. After searching and walking through each step of my day we canceled it only to find it the next day in her play purse;) with my lipstick of course!
We’re going to be starting a family soon, so this would be an awesome win! ๐ funny story: once when I was a baby, my mom carried me out to check the chickens for eggs with her. When she oped the door, there was a black snake. She freaked out, sat me on the ground, and ran in the house. She then realized she’d left me out there with a black snake and had to go back for me! She said she crept up, knelt down, and grabbed me by the arm and yanked me out of the chicken pen! Lol We still all tease her about this!
I would love to win the K’tan! I couldn’t find it when I had my daughter (she’s 15 months old) but would love it for my second (who is coming this summer!)
Funny story: ok, funny but also kind of gross. A few weeks ago I took my daughter to the YMCA to go swimming. I was getting her changed and getting myself changed. I took off her clothes and diaper and she took off scrambling away from me to explore the lockers. Ok, fine. I thought I would get myself dressed then grab her and get her ready. I saw her actually get into a locker and was playing in it. Then I heard whining as she tried to get out of it. I went to get her out of the locker and for goodness sakes the kid had pooped in the locker like it was her own private porta-potty! Not cool! Needless to say I cleaned that mess up quick and we got the heck out of there!
A tip I got for helping get baby to stay sleeping when you put her down is to lay her head down first and then lower her body. For some reason it helps stabilize them so they don’t startle awake. Good luck with the napping and with tonight’s sleep!
I was a chubby little one! My older sister (who was 3 when I was born) used to call me her turtle sister because I’d get stuck on my back…Thank goodness that nickname didn’t stick!
After reading about the moby and k’tan on your blog I’m totally sold on the k’tan. Baby is due in august so this would be amazing. I guess my next story from when I was a baby (ish) was my parents taking me to Epcot, turning their back for a second and turning around to see a pile of my toddler clothes. I decided to strip down and run through the fountain. I was having fun and keeping my clothes dry!
I would love the k’tan!
I must have been a boring child because I have no funny stories and my baby isnt due for another 3 weeks.
I’ve been going back and forth between getting the k’tan and moby. The moby looks overwhelming with all that fabric!
A childhood story: when I was little I couldn’t pronounce grandpa. Instead I would pronounce it crap-pa. Oddly enough I was able to pronounce grandma ok. My grandma still finds this hilarious but my poor grandpa got stuck with the nickname.
I would love to win this, what an awesome giveaway. the other day I had my hair wrapped in a towel after a shower and my 6 month old soon took one look at me and started cracking up! I guess I looked pretty silly ๐
ps. for a while everytime my husband put the baby to bed he would sleep all night and when I would put him to bed he would wake up at least once!
why are guys so lucky like that?
When I was a year old, while my parents would sit in the front of the car, I’d sit in my car seat in the back in between my grandparents. Despite my grandmother absolutely adoring me, I would yank on her hair and she’d quietly say to me “Ouch, Char – no pulling” — and I’d laugh. As soon as my mom would turn around to scold me, I’d stop pulling my grandma’s hair and look very innocent. I really hope my baby doesn’t do that to me (or to my mother / mother-in-law) someday!
How perfect!! I just found out I am pregnant (suuuuper early) and I already have the K’tan on my amazon wishlist!!
I have 6 year old twins (boy/girl who look NOTHING alike!!) and when they were babies, I constantly was asked if they were identical…now mind you, one was in BLUE and the other was in PINK and obviously boy/girl twins CANNOT be identicial…so eventually, I just started telling everyone “Yep, they are identical!” Wouldn’t you know it, I always got the response, “Really? They look nothing alike!” —-uh yeah, no kidding ๐
Gosh, i really want to win! It’s hard thinking of a funny baby story. But I know when I was a toddler I used to come up with all sorts of new words for things I didn’t know the name of. For instance, I used to call sauerkraut “white relish.” My parents loved it ha
I tweeted! I am having a baby in July and would LOVE to win this!!
My funny story- I was babysitting in high school and we played hide n seek. The kid was about 3 or 4 years old. I went to “seek” and COULD NOT FIND HIM. I started checking the doors- they were all still locked. I checked every room, every closet and was starting to completely freak out. I called my best friend- she was babysitting another kid but her family lived down the street and her dad and sister came over to help me. We ransacked the house calling out for him. Finally her sister opened the toy box and he had crawled inside and fallen asleep. I could.have.died…. dang kids ๐