Barre Booty workout (video)

Sharing this barre booty workout you can do anywhere. All you need is a sturdy chair or countertop to hold onto for balance. This workout targets the muscles in your lower body, especially your inner thighs, outer thighs, glutes and hamstrings.

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going? I hope youโ€™re having a wonderful day! Iโ€™m still enjoying the blur between Christmas and New Years and staying up way too late each night watching Schittโ€™s Creek.ย David is my very fave.

For todayโ€™s post, I have an all-new workout for you! This one is a barre booty workout and is an INTENSE and fun lower body burner. We work your entire body, focusing on strengthening adductors, abductors, glutes, and hamstrings. I also included some cardio blasts to get your heart rate up and a nice sweat.

Hereโ€™s a pinnable workout graphic for later:

ย (Photo: Kristi Harris //ย leggings are here)

and hereโ€™s the full follow-along video:

(I apologize for the low mic volume compared to the music. I hope you can still get an awesome workout.)

For notifications when I post new videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Please let me know if you give it a try!

Have a great day and Iโ€™ll see you soon!



More barre videos you can do at home:

Wild Card Barre Workoutย 

Quick and intense 30-minute barre

Barre arms and core

Total body barre

Barre workout with weights

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