Chef Kyle’s Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey

+ 3 tips to make it the most delicious roasted turkey you’ve ever had, even for a newbie like me. For my entire life, I was pretty much out of the kitchen for Thanksgiving. Even when I finally got into cooking, shortly after marrying the Pilot and just before starting this little blog, I was…

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Happy Thanksgiving

Hope that your day is filled with warmth, happiness, people you love… and pie. All the good stuff 😉   Have a very happy Thanksgiving! I’m spending some extra time today to be mindful of my many blessings, including all of you. Thank you for making this little blog such an amazing space. A special thanks…

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Clean eating sweet potato casserole

Here’s the sweet potato casserole you need at your Thanksgiving table. Livi and I were planning on going to squadron Thanksgiving on Friday afternoon. She ended up being awake all night Thursday night -teething is the worst- so after playing with friends Friday morning, we came home for naptime. Since she didn’t sleep well the night…

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Thinking outside the “box”

You may have seen CrossFit on my tentative workout schedule every week for the past, ummm, couple of months? Well, even with the best intentions, I still haven’t made it back. There are so many different class options, but no early morning beginner classes. I really want to learn all of the lifts/techniques and the…

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My kinda turkey trot

Hi friends- hope you’re enjoyed the weekend so far and had a safe, healthy holiday! It was a great Thanksgiving. (Hands in the air if you agree pies should be sold like that haha) Wednesday night, I decided to go to a Zumbathon “Turkey Trot” at the park. I always love to check out other…

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Cranberry Quinoa “Stuffing”

Why must turkey be the official Thanksgiving mascot? It makes me sad because I know so much work goes into preparing an entire turkey, but to me, the meal could do without it. This is also coming from the girl who prefers deli meat over roasted. *Hides head in shame* We were at Eclectic Cafe…

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A Fitnessista Thanksgiving

Hey everyone! I’m pre-writing this bad johnny, because chances are that I’m at the mall right now *insert evil laugh* Wowzers. Yesterday was ah-freaking-mazing. I slept in a little, went to work for a training appointment and then hopped on the elliptical and watched the Thanksgiving parade for 30 minutes. It made me super proud…

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I’m thankful

For my amazing familia (My nana!!! Hope it’s ok I put a pic of you on here, Friend) For dogs     Goat cheese and vino   Both types of crack… the “berry” and “Mary” Old friends Blog friends! Yoga Raw foods!! (all foods, actually) For being married to the love of my life Who…

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