Favorite Things Giveaway: Manduka
So excited for today’s favorite things giveaway, because it’s something I’ve been using for years, from a brand that I adore: Manduka!
I purchased my first Manduka yoga mat about 7 years ago. It was the most I’d ever spent on a mat, and my friends assured me that it would be worth it.
They don’t lie. 😉
Years and years later, my Manduka mat is still my favorite, and it feels even better than the day I bought it. It’s extremely supportive and durable, especially during sweaty classes and arm balances.
I’m also a huge fan of their yogitoes mat towels. They’re a staple for hot yoga, wash well, and stand the test of time. The newest ones have small plastic beads on the bottoms so the towel stays exactly where you place it.
When I reached out to my friends at Manduka to see if they’d kindly hook you up with some goodies this holiday season, they surprised me with a new Eko Light mat and yogitoes towel.
They’re also offering the same prize for a very lucky winner. This is perfect if you have plans to expand your yoga practice in the new year, especially if your old mat needs an upgrade.
Enter below. 🙂
More Favorite Things giveaways:
OMG I have been dying for one of these mats! My favorite pose is definitely tripod!
I used to hate but now I love extended side angle pose! It’s like cracking myself in two and getting everything back in alignment.
I would love to try out this mat!
My fave pose is pigeon–as a runner, it really makes a difference!
child’s pose
Can I just be basic and say I love down dog, it feels wonderful in the shoulder area!
Love manduka!!
I love Pigeon pose!
I would love this set!!
I love (to hate) pigeon!
I’m a yoga newbie, so I can’t do the crazy poses yet. I love cat/cow!
I’ve used the Manduka mats at my studio when I forgot mine (sometimes on purpose just so I can use their mats!). As for favorite poses, it’s a tie between Warrior 2, which makes me feel strong and centered, and Pigeon, which is especially wonderful during half marathon training.
I love downward dog and child’s pose. I’m new to yoga but love it so far and notice a good quality mat will help with my wrists, since they hurt sometimes during yoga:)
Anything that stretches my hips and back. Pigeon is a favorite!
Astavakrasana, although I’m definitely still working on it!
My favorite pose is probably the pigeon, it feels so great after running. A goal of mine for 2016 is to expand my yoga practice!
triangle pose!
im pretty new to yoga but childs pose feels good when im sore and tired!
After a really hard practice, I am all about child’s pose! 🙂
Triangle pose!
I’ve borrowed a mat in the past but would <3 to win one for the power yoga.
Fish pose is my fav–I carry the weight of several worlds on my shoulders and when I can hit it right, the opening is amazing!
I have an okay yoga mat I bought without any knowledge of what I was doing. I’d love to use something nicer. 🙂
Downward facing dog is my fave
child’s pose
My mat was a quick buy at Target and definitely could be replaced! I would love to win!
I’d love this to help me get back into shape after I have this baby. Sounds fabulous for PiYo too!
I like sphinx and cobra, love the stretch I get!
I love pigeon…really helps open up my hips after a long run!
i love holding crooked crow!
i love pigeon so much! i had a yoga teacher once tell me that hip openers release a lot of emotions because we store emotions in our hips. i laughed it off, but every once in a while, i get the urge to do pigeon when i’m really overwhelmed and it helps so much.
I’ve never heard of these mats! I love a good eagle pose – really feel like I’m wringing my body clear of toxins 🙂
i love cobra pose! do it after every workout 🙂
Not kidding. A new yoga mat and towel is on my wish list for this Christmas season. Fingers crossed.
Downward dog 🙂
Child’s Pose or downward dog 🙂
I am a yoga newbie and love the half tortoise pose!
Half pigeon – I could sit there allllll day long!
Love this mat! And love triangle pose.
Pigeon !!
Forward Fold and Child’s Pose
I’ve been needing a new mat so I really appreciate the recommendation for the Manduka line!
My favourite relaxing pose is child’s pose and for a challenge that hurts so good I like double pigeon 🙂
Headstand is my fave pose- after many many attempts I did it finally last week 🙂
Savasana 🙂
This would be a great way to start my new years resolution to start practicing yoga…since my current “mat” is a towel in my living room
I love pigeon pose!
I would love a new yoga mat, somehow mine disappeared. So strange, I always keep it in the same place and then one day it was gone. I searched everywhere and never found it, mom brain is real, and have just been renting at studios since (which actually grosses me out so that should be motivation enough to remember to buy one) or using a towel at home.
Seated wide legged forward fold. I definitely need to upgrade my yoga mats – they were all like $10 and I leave a trail of mat crumbs behind me after each class :-/
I love downward dog and pigeon