Favorite Things Giveaway: Manduka
So excited for today’s favorite things giveaway, because it’s something I’ve been using for years, from a brand that I adore: Manduka!
I purchased my first Manduka yoga mat about 7 years ago. It was the most I’d ever spent on a mat, and my friends assured me that it would be worth it.
They don’t lie. 😉
Years and years later, my Manduka mat is still my favorite, and it feels even better than the day I bought it. It’s extremely supportive and durable, especially during sweaty classes and arm balances.
I’m also a huge fan of their yogitoes mat towels. They’re a staple for hot yoga, wash well, and stand the test of time. The newest ones have small plastic beads on the bottoms so the towel stays exactly where you place it.
When I reached out to my friends at Manduka to see if they’d kindly hook you up with some goodies this holiday season, they surprised me with a new Eko Light mat and yogitoes towel.
They’re also offering the same prize for a very lucky winner. This is perfect if you have plans to expand your yoga practice in the new year, especially if your old mat needs an upgrade.
Enter below. 🙂
More Favorite Things giveaways:
Cool giveaway. My daughter would love a new mat!
I love to hate frog pose. I am so tight in my groin area that it is something I need but really dread doing:-)
A non-slip surface would make SUCH a difference in my yoga game! I don’t even bother using my mat most of the time because I end up sliding around everywhere x_x
Especially when trying to maintain a downward facing dog…it’s impossible when your hands and toes keep sliding!
Yoga the best workout ever. My joints say thank you .
I love cat/cow!
I have been wanting a Manduka mat for a while now! Love the towels!
My favorite yoga pose in downward facing dog. It helps to stretch out my back and just feels soooo good!
Down dog is my favorite.
Crow pose!! It was so difficult for me to get, since you have to have full trust in yourself, but I’m a proud crow poser now 😉
Revolving half moon!
A newbie to hot yoga and a sweating machine, so I LOVE this giveaway. Favorite pose is chaturanga, because who doesn’t like a good push-up/plank combo!
So love this mat! Will definitely look into this brand.
Revolved triangle always feels so good
Love pigeon, and child’s pose!
I love my Manduka! The more Manduka the merrier though. I’m working on forearm handstand.
Dancers pose!
My favorite pose is spinal twist for sure!:))
That mat is so beautiful it would inspire me to practice daily.
I love dancer’s pose!
I love the half fish pose!
I love plow pose! There’s something about it that just lets me totally release all my tension.
pigeon and downdog.
Love warrior 3!
Love yoga! Cat/Cow right now because I am pregnant:-)
I love Pigeon pose 🙂
Yes! I would love this. I just started back to yoga after a long hiatus, and I’m so glad to be back. Tree pose 🙂
I was actually thinking today about getting my mom something yoga related for Christmas. She love to do yoga in the living room after her runs when she doesn’t have to take care of my Dad’s new puppy haha.
A new yoga mat is on my Christmas wish list!
Depends on the day for my favorite pose but lately it’s been double pigeon, my hips have been so tight and it really opens me up, it hurts so good!
This mat sounds awesome. Lots of New Year Yoga!
I love downward dog and the great hamstring stretch it always gives me.
My fav yoga pose is pigeon. I have developed arthritis in my iliac joint from carrying my first pregnancy very low and pigeon pose feels amazing on my hips.
Warrior 2 and full wheel – both feel so good and strong to me.
My favorite yoga pose is tripod headstand. It’s one that I’ve been working on for a while, and have just recently gotten the hang of it. I am also very fond of crow/side crow. That moment when everything clicks and you finally get a pose down that you’ve been working on for a while is just fantastic!
savasana is my favorite? =)
I love down dog and pigeon. I sooo wish I could do crow!
Currently working on figure 4 to handstand! I could definitely use a good mat and towel – I slip too much on mine!
My favorite yoga pose is triangle. It feels so good to stretch that way!
Pigeon pose is so good for my tight hips! But I love child’s pose so much too.
I love pigeon and tree pose!
My favorites are triangle and tree pose. I also love corpse pose because my teacher rubs lavender oil on our feet and it’s heavenly!
I love the challenges of balance poses, deep breaths and concentration.
I like reclining bound ankle pose…so good for the hips!
Love pigeon!
I love crow pose and triangle
Downward facing dog never fails to make me feel good!
Warrior 2 is probably my favorite!
Side crow definitely! 🙂
shoulder stand 🙂