Half marathon news + a Garmin giveaway-ENDED
Thank you so much for those of you who entered the giveaway! It has ended as of 4/5 12:48am.
HUGE congrats to the lucky winner, Morgan, who said:
I love 10Ks too! Just enough to get the endorphins going, but not too much that your legs are completely screaming the next day. (Just loudly complaining.) |
Stay tuned for more giveaways in the near future <3 xoxo
For a while there, I was doing ok with the half marathon distance. I was running consistently, even pushing the jogging stroller for a few long runs, feeling great, wanted to keep running/racing, and then the cold weather hit. You might have remembered the Tucson snow (!) and nothing about that made me want to run outside.
(I guess if you really want it and live in a freezing climate, you just suck it up and do it, but I guess I didn’t want it that badly.)
Since then, I haven’t had much motivation. I’ve gone back to my nighttime workout ways, and have been doing HIIT intervals indoors even though the weather has been so beautiful. I need to enjoy it before it’s back to 6am training run time.
Yup. “Training run.”
I’m running another half marathon, but here’s the kicker: I’m actually going to train for it.
[Scared bird face. You’re welcome, haha.]
For the past two races, my training was really sporadic (some times I went a few weeks in between running at all) and even with the fact that I felt ready, the races were rough, and I didn’t run as well as I’d anticipated. This time, I’m ready to be more consistent and emphasize strength training. At that time, I wasn’t consistent with strength training, which likely had a negative impact on my runs.
The race deets:
I’ll be running the Women’s Running Series Half Marathon in Tempe/Scottsdale in November.
Use the discount code “FITAZGINA” to get $10 off your registration until November 3 if you’d like to run with me!
Here’s my plan:
-one long run a week (anything more than that, and I could overtrain with my teaching schedule) building on mileage (Sunday or Monday)
-one short run each week (Tuesday or Thursday)
-consistent strength training. I aim for 3 sessions each week, even though, realistically, I’m happy if I get two
For my training, I’ll also be using my Garmin Forerunner 10 to track distance. I love my Forerunner so much -super light and compact compared to the 305- and was so stoked when Garmin asked if I’d like to do a giveaway.
One lucky winner will receive the new Forerunner 10 in the just-released gorgeous purple color!
You have two ways to enter:
1) Leave a comment and tell me your favorite running distance. I love 10ks but feel like there are less and less of them lately. Non runners: what’s your favorite outdoor workout?
2) Tweet, “I want to win a Garmin from @fitnessista #beamazing #lovemygarmin” and leave an extra comment to let me know you tweeted!
I’ll pick the winner tomorrow (4/4 at midnight EST).
Ready, set, go!
Some posts on half marathon training:
About half marathons + a training plan
Veteran’s Day half marathon recap
[I’m running the women’s half as part of a paid campaign with Fitfluential. I was pretty stoked to be offered the opportunity- it was a great kicker of motivation. As always, all opinions are my own.]
my favorite running distance would be either a 10k or half marathon. they seem to be just the right distance where i can see some improvement 😀 LOVE that purple color of the Garmin!!
5ks and 4 milers are like candy- can’t get enough. Although, I do love me a weekend double-digit long run something fierce.
My favorite running distance is 5-7 miles for a weekend run. I”m not that huge into racing, I like to run for fun 🙂
half marathon is my fave!
I love marathons! I am an endurance athlete for sure…but I also love half marathons especially when they are destination races 🙂
My favorite distance would be a 10k. Love them! My Garmin died and my husband I have been sharing. The purple one would be so great!!
Jocelyn in the STL
I love half marathons!
I love the 1/2 marathon distance for a race…you don’t have to feel like training is a job!
I love 5Ks. But, I think with a garmin, I might be able to increase my distances and endurance.
I love 10ks as well!
My favorite distance is a five miler. Probably because they’re more common than 10Ks!
Good luck training!
I agree, the 10k is a great distance and there are not enough! I also LOVE half marathons, though!
I’m running my first marathon this October, maybe that will become my new favorite running distance, highly unlikely though haha.
I really like the half marathon distance!
I’m a fan of 5Ks (:
I love 5Ks and 10Ks; I’ll be running the Girls on the Run 5K this year with my daughter who’s 8…her first. So excited!
I tweeted 🙂
I love running 10k’s! I’m actually running the Hershey 10k next saturday!! And only for the chocolate at the end of course 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I tweeted- “I want to win a Garmin from @fitnessista #beamazing #lovemygarmin”
I like a good 5-miler, but that distance is rare to find in a race!
Half marathons are the best!
My absolute favorite running distance for races is a Half Marathon. For me, it’s the perfect distance to really push myself beyond what I think I can do…while not being as taxing on the body like longer distances can sometimes be. For personal running days I usually enjoy 6 milers since they don’t take too long but you get a good workout in.
I run 3 miles because of the Marine Corps PFT standard. While I don’t always choose long distance runs for my work out I do them to de stress and because I know I have to. My favorite workout is a Murph which is a mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups and 300 squats then finish with another mile. It’s a great workout and very inspiring if you know why and who you’re doing it for.
A nice 5K is perfect enough to ignite the muscles without going to fatigue 🙂
The only race I’ve run is a 5k, but I’m getting ready for a half marathon in a few weeks and I’m loving it!
5ks are definitely my favorite!
My favorite running distance is 5 miles. Not too bad but long enough to be a solid workout!
Tweeted too.
5k’s are my favorite! Quick and easy!
My favorite distance is a 10k. It’s just enough of a challenge for me without substantial training time. I’d love to win the pretty purple Garmin! 🙂
I am training for my first 10k so it might be my favorite new distance. : ) My favorite place to run has been on the trail recently because it is scenic and challenging!
tweeted too! Love the purple color!
10 milers! We have a lot of them around where I live. They fill up fast. Currently training for the Fitness Mag Ladies Half — NYC on Apr 14! I wish it were only (only?!) 10 miles!!
5k but would love to try to go longer with the purple garmin!
My favorite running distance = marathons! Having a race to look forward to always motivates me. Have fun training for your half marathon!
I love 10ks .. but you are right ..there are never enough of them!
I like short and fast runs best!
I love 10k’s as well! Especially ones that are trail based and easier on my joints. A random 20-miler every once in awhile is always fun too 🙂
I love 5k runs. They are long enough to feel like I got a good workout, but not too long that it takes away from family time!
Wow, so cool! I’m currently training for a 5K, but my brother & I hope to run a half in the fall!
I love 5ks. I am currently training for a half but have tendonitis in my ankle. 🙁
I’m a 10K fan as well, though I’m new to running so maybe that will change in time.
Would love a garmin as currently I’m using my phone and it’s not all that accurate. Plus, purple = <3
Best of luck training! I run a 10K this weekend in Austin!
I love the half marathon distance – just registered for my second one in the fall! 🙂
I *love* 10-milers! Running my first post-baby 10 miler in three weeks – last time I ran one I was 9 weeks pregnant! Happy to be on the other side!!!
I am a fan of 10ks and 10 milers. I am able to train for them without having to change my regular routine too much.
I love the half-marathon distance… I’m looking forward to my next half on April 28th in Madrid, Spain!
I want to start training for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Philly this September and I would love this Garmin watch to help me train!!
My favorite distance to train for is the 1/2 marathon!
I’ve never done a race, but I love running outdoors. Intervals are the best for me, I get too bored just going and going.