Half marathon news + a Garmin giveaway-ENDED
Thank you so much for those of you who entered the giveaway! It has ended as of 4/5 12:48am.
HUGE congrats to the lucky winner, Morgan, who said:
I love 10Ks too! Just enough to get the endorphins going, but not too much that your legs are completely screaming the next day. (Just loudly complaining.) |
Stay tuned for more giveaways in the near future <3 xoxo
For a while there, I was doing ok with the half marathon distance. I was running consistently, even pushing the jogging stroller for a few long runs, feeling great, wanted to keep running/racing, and then the cold weather hit. You might have remembered the Tucson snow (!) and nothing about that made me want to run outside.
(I guess if you really want it and live in a freezing climate, you just suck it up and do it, but I guess I didn’t want it that badly.)
Since then, I haven’t had much motivation. I’ve gone back to my nighttime workout ways, and have been doing HIIT intervals indoors even though the weather has been so beautiful. I need to enjoy it before it’s back to 6am training run time.
Yup. “Training run.”
I’m running another half marathon, but here’s the kicker: I’m actually going to train for it.
[Scared bird face. You’re welcome, haha.]
For the past two races, my training was really sporadic (some times I went a few weeks in between running at all) and even with the fact that I felt ready, the races were rough, and I didn’t run as well as I’d anticipated. This time, I’m ready to be more consistent and emphasize strength training. At that time, I wasn’t consistent with strength training, which likely had a negative impact on my runs.
The race deets:
I’ll be running the Women’s Running Series Half Marathon in Tempe/Scottsdale in November.
Use the discount code “FITAZGINA” to get $10 off your registration until November 3 if you’d like to run with me!
Here’s my plan:
-one long run a week (anything more than that, and I could overtrain with my teaching schedule) building on mileage (Sunday or Monday)
-one short run each week (Tuesday or Thursday)
-consistent strength training. I aim for 3 sessions each week, even though, realistically, I’m happy if I get two
For my training, I’ll also be using my Garmin Forerunner 10 to track distance. I love my Forerunner so much -super light and compact compared to the 305- and was so stoked when Garmin asked if I’d like to do a giveaway.
One lucky winner will receive the new Forerunner 10 in the just-released gorgeous purple color!
You have two ways to enter:
1) Leave a comment and tell me your favorite running distance. I love 10ks but feel like there are less and less of them lately. Non runners: what’s your favorite outdoor workout?
2) Tweet, “I want to win a Garmin from @fitnessista #beamazing #lovemygarmin” and leave an extra comment to let me know you tweeted!
I’ll pick the winner tomorrow (4/4 at midnight EST).
Ready, set, go!
Some posts on half marathon training:
About half marathons + a training plan
Veteran’s Day half marathon recap
[I’m running the women’s half as part of a paid campaign with Fitfluential. I was pretty stoked to be offered the opportunity- it was a great kicker of motivation. As always, all opinions are my own.]
I tend to run 5Ks but I would love to train for a half marathon this spring and summer!
I tweeted too (@kimmyjahnke)!
I’m getting ready to run my first 5k. My goal is to run a 1/2 marathon. A new garmin would be helpful with all the training I’ll have to do!
My favorite distance is the half marathon!
5 miles are great! I hope I win!! 😀
I love to hike all over the bay area.
My favorite distance so far is the 10k–doesn’t take too much training, but still feels like you are putting forth some effort. HOWEVER, I have been toying with running a half, just trying to decide which GPS sport watch to purchase to help with training–then BAM! You posted this! Perfect? I think so!
My favorite distance is probably 5k, but I enjoy 10ks too!
I’m trying to get my wits about me for a 1/2…right now my perfect race is a 5k. The Garmin would be awesome for training though!
My favorite race is a half marathon for sure, but it’s been a little hard to commit to anything beyond a 10k while in grad school! Hopefully I will run some more halfs next year!
I love 5k right now but hope to do a 10k real soon. Thanks for the giveway! 🙂
I have run 5ks the most since I ran cross country in high school, but I would have to say 12k would be my favorite. There was a 12k race in Tacoma, WA where my husband was stationed in the Army and we loved running it!
And I tweeted it: https://mobile.twitter.com/edtonn/status/319618328232620033
P.S. I tweeted about it also.
I love to do hikes and just long walks in general. I do try to fit in some running every now and then. 🙂
I LOVE this giveaway!!! I am training for my first half marathon right now, so this would be perfect! My favorite distance is also a 10K…it can be done in less than an hour!
I tweeted!!
I love half marathons. I’m running one this weekend.
My favorite outdoor activity is going hiking in the Maine mountains with my little brother and our two dogs :-).
Hi – my favorite distance is the half-marathon! the last one I completed in 2:01… really want to get under two hours next time!
i like 5ks. short and sweet!
I love the idea of half marathons (I’ve done two) but prefer 5ks now.
my favorite is 5 miles, a nice round number!
My favorite race distance is definitely the half marathon!
Anytime I visit a new area on vacation or travel, I love to go on a four mile run around the area…to get a closer look at the neighborhood. My latest and greatest was in Tampa, FL. What better way to start off the day than by running by the water! 🙂
I’ve run a lot of 5ks, but I’m not sure they’re my favorite. I’m running a 10k this weekend, so we’ll see how I like it!
The half marathon is the only race distance I have done (I actually have one this weekend!)–however I think I would also enjoy a 10K but probably not a marathon…;)
I personally like the half marathon distance! although at about 18km in, i feel like i’m about to keel over and die haha! so many 17km runs should be a new thing heh
In love the 10K or half marathon distance 🙂
I’m running my first half marathon w/a friend…we picked a destination spot….Ireland! We have 16 weeks til race day and so far my fave distance has been 4-5 miles. It’s still a struggle for me since I’m not a runner (plus I took an 8 week hiatus) but I’m trying to get motivated go get back at it again. I usually get into it once I’ve been training for 3-4 weeks!
P.S. I’m trying to give myself “treats” every time I reach my own pre-set milestones…When I get to 10K I’m getting a pretty Lulu sports bra.
I really like running on paths around lakes, through trails, anything with a beautiful scenery.
So far I’ve only run a few 5k’s, but am signed up for a 10k and a half marathon! So, I guess my favorite distance right now is 5k but I may have a different answer in a few months!
I enjoy 10k’s even though I don’t run on a frequent basis. I just enjoy the energy of them! As gas as other outdoor activities, I enjoy a good walk in a pretty environment.
I tweeted!
I tweeted also well 🙂 (under lachilenguita)
I want to become good at running. I have started running and walking around my neighborhood. I wish I had an amount I could run LOL! I love hiking and swimming. && I tweeted!
I love to run, but I’m not much of a distance runner. So I like 5Ks. It’s the perfect distance for me!
I’ve always aimed to be a runner, but I’m struggling to push past 3 miles. A few summers ago, I wasn’t a runner at all, but I managed to push up to 5K by using the Couch-to-5K program. I’m sure your half-marathon journey will continue to motivate and push me, maybe beyond 5K! Before it gets too hot here in Baltimore, I also enjoy bike riding outside, but you can’t beat a cool swim during lunch on an 100+ degree day!
I tweeted, too! @WVLois_Lane
Definitely love me a good 10k. Not too long, not too short. 🙂
OH MY GOSH purple is my favorite color AND I’ve been lusting over a GPS watch. My favorite distance is a half marathon… I don’t really feel like I hit my groove until at LEAST mile three. But, then again, a half marathon is the longest distance I’ve done- this would be great for training for a… hmmm… marathon? 😛
I love 10 and 12ks! I am hoping to run a half in the future… hopefully sooner rather than later :).
I recently ran a 7K for St. Patty’s Day, and I really liked the distance, but I know they are very uncommon. I think I would really like the 10K distance. That is my next goal!
Ten miler for sure. They aren’t as popular here in Minnesota but training is much more manageable than a half (especially with the winter we’ve had).
My favorite distance is the half marathon 🙂
Half marathons are my favorite…long enough to feel a huge accomplishment, short enough to train while raising two crazy kids!
Ahh, I would use the Garmin all the time! I have recently gotten into running–no major races yet, but I like 5-6 milers for my runs. 🙂
I like 5ks. They are challenging but accomplishable. I am crossing my fingers to win the Garmin!
I tweeted (@jordanontherun)
5k’s are my favorite because my energy leftover is the perfect amount so that I end up having a super productive day afterwards!
I’ve been kicking around the idea of a half marathon – long stretch from a 5k though 🙂