Man Fashion
Is it just me, or do men have it really easy in the fashion department?
Put a pair of designer jeans on him, along with a button-up shirt, nice shoes and what do you get?
Rico Suave.
Ok, so not all men are as fashionable as my Pilot love,
{love Perez so much, but the above was a major “oh no”}
but he also lets me pick out clothes for him 🙂
He does a great job of finding good things on his own, but will almost NEVER shop for himself. Even if we’re at the mall, standing in front of J Crew and I’m begging him to go in and pick out a shirt with me, he’s like “meh. I’ll come back.” No you won’t.
So I’ll just pick things up for him.. and he wears them 😀
Some combos that never fail:
lululemon all the way. He was really hesitant to try the brand (how non-manly does lululemon sound? The name alone scared him) but once he tried it and realized that it’s actually comfy, high-quality stuff, he became a fan.
(He especially loves the tees and shorts. Bonus accessory: the monkey on his back. Haha)
Polo shirt or button-up (J Crew), twill shorts (Banana Republic) and leather flip-flops (Aldo)
or graphic tee, patterned shorts (both Express) and leather flip flops
Nicer: the above mentioned outfit. Button-up, dark wash designer jeans, nice shoes
Nice: slacks, button-up, tie, nice shoes and socks + jacket (optional)
And that’s pretty much it.
If only life were that easy for girls… buuuuuut we have WAY more options as far as clothes go, so we win 😉
Does your man care about fashion? Does he let you pick out clothes for him?
Please tell me he has a twin brother…
he has no brothers. or male cousins. a waste of good genetics, haha
With no brothers or male cousins it must make you extra happy to know you’ve got a mini pilot brewing in your tummy to help out the next generation of girls! 😀
Agreed! If he doesn’t start showing up with 15 brothers you Gotta stop posting Rico Suave pics! *waaaaaah*
My husband SAYS that he doesn’t care about fashion….but his closet says otherwise. He has a pretty strong sense of style, but I’m usually the one who buys the clothes.
It’s definitely so much easier for a man to look sharp- that’s why I admire it when men go the extra mile with their style pulling off unusual colors or outfits that still look snazzy!
that’s true. and a lot of guys have GREAT style- it always impresses me 🙂
My boyfriend has a very specific style… that is, he dresses like a preppy old man. I’m talking flat golf hats (Samuel Jackson style), argyle sweaters, button ups, blazers with elbow pads and polos. Of course he rocks the jeans and t-shirts sometimes, but EVERYONE always comments on his “old-man” style of dress. The weird thing is, he totally pulls it off. 😉
wow that’s awesome! does he dress like scott, kourtney kardashian’s boyfriend??
Haha, I just googled Scott Disick and sort of! Except not as bright, less v-necks and no skinny jeans. 😉 But the sweaters and blazers, collars and layers, totally!
When I think of Scott Disick & fashion, I think about the time he tried to pull off the cane/walking stick in Kortney & Kim take NY. Fail.
I always laugh when I see Scott…there was one episode this season when he perfectly described every part of the suit that Bruce was wearing hahahaha
Lovin’ all the guy love in this post! hahaha!
I’m still learning how to dress my man. Honestly, I’m too scared to try anything, though I’m not sure his judgment would be much better…. He consults me when I’m around when he buys his clothing, so when I see something I hate, I speak up. But everything else… still learning!
Uh my man is kind of a hick, think jeans, cowboy boots, and a button-up shirt with pearl snaps. His other choices are graphic tees or the polos he wears to work. I help him pick out clothes but he mostly gets them himself. I can’t complain, except for the time he wore a striped shirt with pin-striped slacks to a wedding. He thought it was okay and I instructed him to never wear that together again.
My man dresses better than me, but that’s because I’m a slacker non-fashionista. I can wear dresses and skirts every day to work so I put 0 effort into my look. Dresses, skirts, tanks and boots almost daily. He actually wears nice slacks and button downs and looks SMOKIN’ in them!
My boyfriend is still wearing clothes from when he was a sophomore in high school. We’re 26. Sometimes I’ll just buy him a shirt or pair of pants (which he loves) but he NEVER shops on his own. EVER.
My boyfriend doesn’t care too much but has a good eye for what goes well together and always looks nice. He wears a UPS uniform to work all day though so his options aren’t really open! If we are getting ready to go out he usually asks me to pick out his outfit which I definitely like to do. 🙂
My hubs fights me kicking and screaming whenever I try to introduce something new to his wardrobe, but he usually ends up LOVING it.
My biggest challenge with him is footwear, and the need for SOME variety… He would like to own two pairs of shoes at a time, max. ANNOYING! 🙂
I do most of the ‘picking out’ for my husband. In general, I don’t go too cray-cray so he agrees and wears it. However, randomly, he’ll put his foot down about something completely off the wall. Like “I don’t wear plaid.”
Uhm. Since when? Then later, when it has ruminated and he’s made it his own idea, he’ll pick up a pair of plaid shorts and tell me how much he likes them. 😛
That is when I say, “Oh yes, honey, that’s a great idea!” and wait until he turns around to roll my eyes! I suppose I still win in the end!
Yeah, it seems like guys can find a look that works for them and pretty much rock it for the rest of their lives. We, on the other hand, have to keep changing with the current fashions, PLUS “dress our age”…gah!
My man doesn’t really care about fashion. He refuses to wear Lululemon 🙁 but I’m not giving up! At least he lets me dress him, otherwise, he would be wearing ugly cargo pants and a grey t-shirt everyday. Gross.
My boyfriend has amazing style on the golf course and when dressing up but when it comes to just being casual he could care less! He has just recently started asking for my opinion–thank goodness! 🙂
Hi Gina. Cute post, I’m curious… Do any of the pilots work colleagues read your blog, and if they do won’t they tease him mercilessly??
They do read it. Most of the guys are cool
I tell Mr. Guru he has it easy all the time!
Cute post! My man dresses himself, but if I’m headed out with him he asks me about 5 different shirts, changes several times and puts on this hilarious crabby face while checking his outfit in the mirror. I hope he never finds this comment!
I buy occasional items for him, like cargo shorts or new underwear, but for the most part he shops on his own.
woohoo so handsome!
My husband is VERY much a habit, routine person. If he likes a certain thing I cook, then he has no idea why I’d ever want to change it and he will love it just as much a year from now as today. He can eat it every single day without batting an eye and will continue loving it. It’s kind of amazing.
Clothing is the same way. Solid color t-shirts and jeans. Always and all the time. Dark grey sneakers. He has about 10 pairs of them and to him, each one is unique. hah.
OH! There is one small exception, though. He has a pair of white and black checkered Keds slip-ons that he loves. I have no idea where those “come from,” but that’s his one nod to variety.
He would probably accept guidance from me on clothing only because he loves me, but I don’t care what he wears. It’s his body.
Your hubby is def a hottie and you two make one gorgeous couple…that bun in the oven will sure be a heartbreaker 😉
My hubby enjoys fashion in that he has a great sense of style and enjoys picking out things for himself. Although I did buy him his one and only pair of True Religion jeans and they’re his fav…they make his tushy look quite spectacular too 😉
I call my man a “cartoon character” because he wears the same thing every day no matter what… khakis and a polo. It doesn’t matter the occasion, its never jeans and always khaki! It make shopping for him easier I guess!
My husband hates shopping so I always buy him clothes when he needs them. He will literally wear just about anything. One time I bought him this really cool bright orange vneck graphic tee, assuming he might not be too thrilled with it, but I brought it home, he put it on and liked it! Every time someone says “Oh, I like that shirt…” He doesn’t say a word and just points at me. Lol
Oh my gosh, mine wont stray from his norm.. hanes t-shirts, and the same ratty old jeans he has worn since he was in high school and an army of button downs from Kohls. He will only wear one pair of shoes for everything (even if they are at least kinda nice shoes, he still wears them out in the mud, please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks he’s insane.) until the sole wears out. Of course he can never understand why I have so many pairs of shoes 😉
Hi Gina- my husband sounds just like the pilot- he refuses to clothes shop!! I more than make up for his non-shopping ways though, so we strike a nice little balance 😉
We have it better because we have dresses and, well, boys just look silly in dresses. However I love those black and white plaid shorts and want a pair for myself 🙂
My boyfriend is totally into fashion but he wouldn’t let me pick out his clothes for anything. He’s a musician has sort of that “I’m in a band” style, but he’s really picky about it. And he’s so anti-fratty and hates collared polos because he associates them with fraternities. Haha. In fact, sometimes we stand in the store and argue about which shirt he should buy. He usually goes against whatever I say, haha 🙂 Good thing he’s cute!
My husband is the same way… he never wants to let me buy clothes for him! Since we got married almost three years ago (anniversary in a month!), we have gradually donated all his old clothes. Now he wears clothes that are cute and actually fit 😉
First of all, let me say you guys are going to have one cute little kid 🙂 Secondly, my hubs “go-to” outfit consists of button ups and jeans. One year for Christmas, I went to Express and bought him a button up: it was one he already had & I guess I had complimented him once when he wore it…Oops!
um. my hubs lives in his training clothes and kswiss shorts. It takes a miracle for him to dress up. haha. I need the pilot to give him lessons.
Love the bump pictures the other day. So sweet.
I feel so lucky that my bfs favorite stores are jcrew and banana republic, and that he looks so good in them! 😀 He loves going shopping and reading esquire but also always asks me to go through his closet and let him know what I like and what I don’t. It is the best! Im also soo excited for when he gets his phd soon and has to wear suits all the time!! A man in a suit is one of the sexiest things!
Sadly, my boyfriend definitely has way better style than me, but like you said–it’s easier for him. He’s super preppy, so he loves his seersucker shorts and a polo. Easy and classic. He doesn’t have to worry about pulling of crazy trends!
My boyfriend is very fashionable, much more fashionable to me! (but not in a “my-man-takes-longer-to-get-dressed-than-me” kind of way) He actually worked part-time at Banana Republic for a few years because he wanted to learn how to dress well. It paid off 😉
Er, that was supposed to say “much more fashionable THAN me”
my husband bought me like 15 new shirts for christmas. I really rather had gotten jewelry.
my boyfriend definitely has great fashion…well he’s from NYC so umm yea…love that he’s got great taste. As far as shopping goes, he’ll pick up stuff for himself but usually asks for my opinion all the time. we both do have great taste in fashion actually. i do want him to try lulu but it’s just so pricey for him!! so will just have to buy him stuff from lulu!
I don’t have a man but I can imagine if I did I would encourage him to dress something like this..
Hopefully he would look something like this too! Hehe this vid makes me laugh for some reason. Gotta love Gerard Pique and Mango.
My boyfriend is pretty good at dressing. He joined a fraternity in college and I think that is where he finally learned how to match items . He knows the golden rule of only flat front pants, no pleats, button-downs that fit well, no over-sized items for him. He also has beautiful black hair with big curls that make him even more of a dream boat. Sometimes when his hair is just the right length, I say he has “Mc-Dreamy” hair. haha.
P.S. Very cute to her you and all your readers describe their bfs. So funny how much variety there is out there!
My husband is horrible with fashion. Not that he can’t put together a nice outfit but more so that he chooses to never wear nice clothes. His job attire is shorts & a t-shirt in the summer and something equally as casual in the winter but when we go out he still chooses t-shirts over polos, button ups and nice shoes. he constantly wears the same stuff, drives me crazy b/c he has a closet full of good clothes!
Ok. I have a confession to make. Don’t hate a girl… but my husband had to teach ME fashion sense. I was buying jeans too short in the hem, and stuff that didn’t fit my body right… I take him shopping with me to help ME pick stuff out, and he’s almost always right!
Scary, huh?
Love the last picture of the pilot; so debonair. I only have my little man & he will wear anything I pick out (pink shirts & all). Shoes are his thang. This year he has to wear a tie once a week, so cute, can’t wait!
My boyfriend cares about fashion in a sense. His fashion sense that is! He is very stylish but not in a jcrew type of way which is also attractive his is more of a levi skinny jeans and chucks type of guy and everything matches. And he’s so darn handsome in everything! Plus he looks damn sexy in skinny jeans!
Omg Scott is a clothes horse!
He LOVES clothes and has a killer wardrobe and if money was no object, he’d have even more. He doesnt own casual. His idea of casual is a Tommy Bahama silk shirt. His idea of dressed up is french cuffs and custom shirts. Seriously one of the things I love about him is that he always looks great. His wardrobe and his everyday “look” far surpasses my yoga attire.
the pilot looks awesome in his duds!
Great post! Shane loves banana republic clothes, but like the pilot will not shop for himself!
I actually just had this convo with Chris earlier tonight! I was on my way home from work, and we had double dinner date plans with some friends, and were were discussing what to wear. I said, “You’ve got it easy! Throw on a button down and some khaki shorts and you’re ready to go! I have to figure out which color capris, or do I want to wear a dress, and which kind of shirt to wear…”
He is SUPER picky about clothes though! T-shirts can’t have too wide of a neck, shorts have to be long enough, etc. We go shopping and he will look and never buy anything! lol
Awh he looks so handsome and good in all of these pictures! My boy-friend doesn’t have much fashion sense at all and doesn’t put much effort into what he wears. He’s more of a t-shirt and jeans everyday kind of guy haha. This post makes me want to go out and take him shopping though! All his money goes into his toys though (tools, dirt bikes, motorcycles, etc.).
My husband will never of his own accord *go* clothes shopping, but when I take him shopping, he is very opinionated when it comes to men’s clothing. It’s actually kind of funny (and surprising).
My boyfriend is a terrible dresser unless I specifically pick things out for him to buy. He would wear “skateboard” clothes all the time–stuff guys wear in middle school. He does not skateboard, nor does he surf (we live in the middle of freaking Canada!) so I don’t understand the desire he has to wear skateboarding brands and surfing brands. Why not… nice clothes? I mean a branded t-shirt here and there, sure… but other than that, no thanks! haha I like when I pick out nice dress shirts and ties for him to wear to work. I wish his casual style was a little more “done up” casual.
My ex-boyfriend would seriously only buy something if it was from Goodwill. He hated spending money on clothes! But when he DID have on a pair of nice shorts and a polo he looked dang good:)
My man is definitely conscious of how he dresses. In fact not only does his shirt and pants/shorts have to match perfectly, his under shirt has to match (black under white, white under dark, etc) the outfit too. Oh and don’t forget the boat shoes (Sperrys)!
I agree. It’s easier for men. My husband looks good in just about anything IMO :). He can easily order something from a mail order catalog or just run into a store and grab something. I’m glad he lets me dress him too. Baby, toddler and even older boys are fun to dress (as long as they will let you), though the girl clothes are more fun. I’ll tell you a little tip someone shared with me…go to church baby & kid clothing cosnignment sales in the best neighborhoods. I have gotten adorable ralph lauren outfits and gymboree and Mini Boden for a small fraction of the retail price and some are brand new with tags still on them-especially baby clothes.
I just realized I should clarify. The consignment sales raise money for all sorts of things. People donate gently used and even new baby and kid clothes to be sold. Anyone can go to these sales and the more people who come the more money they raise. I didn’t want you to think we are taking charitable donations from people who really need it. These donations are meant to be sold to anyone. Phew..glad I explained…:)