9.27 Friday Faves

September 27, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We have a new baby in the family! I’m so so excited for Trevor and Danielle, and of course, can’t wait to get those baby meals going. Other than baby excitement, we have a lot going on this weekend. Liv is getting her solo choreography, P…

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Brain Food

Hi guys! Sup? I’ve been a productive Polly today 🙂  (I just put Polly’s name in there because I needed a “P” name…and I love her) I started tackling the laundry mountain…   (Source) I’m a notorious over-packer and always have a TON of laundry after vacation :/ Did some work on the computer: Whilst…

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Desperate Times

Hey hey hey 🙂 How’s your morning treating ya?? Mine has been bueno… especially since I got my Vegas booty handed to me by Shaun T. Last night’s Fit Test was HARD and this morning’s plyo workout was even harder. But Ashley and I were troupers and got ‘em done 😀 After last night’s fit…

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Sparkly Lights to a Valdizzy Night

Hi guys 😀 Hope you’ve had an awesome day. Mine has been a doozy. Something about traveling takes the life out of me– especially since both flights were BuMpY! Goodbye to the city of lights… You were good to us 😀 Coming home is always a little blah, but when you get to see a…

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Mesa Grill

Hi guys! Happy Monday! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning 🙂 We had an AMAZING last night in Vegas <3 The pilot argued with Caesar: I fought Joe Louis: And we had a trip to foodie heaven at the incredible Mesa Grill – one of my favorite cheffer’s (B-Flizzle) restaurant. The interior to the restaurant…

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Walk, Shop, Snack

Hi everyone! It’s meeeee again:) I have a lot of pictures to post and didn’t want to overload ya’ll in the morning, so here’s some more Vegas fun from today 😀 Goofer 🙂 We had breakfast at an AWESOME restaurant in the Paris resort, called Mon Ami Gabi. Everything on the menu looked pretty face-rocking.…

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