Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures…
Continue Reading →Hi guys! How’s your morning going?? Hope you all had a wonderful weekend <3 For those of you who are catching up in the blogworld today, I’m chilling in Orlando for the week! Glorious. Since many of you are tackling the end of the semester, dealing with work overload or may have other things going…
Continue Reading →Hi guys! Hope that everyone had a fabulous restful Sunday and that those of you who celebrated had a beautiful Easter <3 We started the morning off with church and then got ready for the beach. Even though I had just had bfast, I made a giant smoothie (brown rice protein, almond milk, frozen strawberries,…
Continue Reading →Hi guys 🙂 Happy Sunday! Last night, I was kind of a bum….and it felt glorious. My cousins and aunt and I watched Father of the Bride (the first and the second), gabbed and chillaxed. Driving on road trips sucks the life out of you, so it was very nice to chill 🙂 I snacked…
Continue Reading →Hi guys! Sorry I’m a little late posting today, but I’m in Orlando now! Wahooooo! 😀 Since I’m ditching out on the pilot for a week, I took him out to dinner last night at 306North (nevermind that we share bank accounts, it’s the thought that counts haha) He had a Fat Tire: And I…
Continue Reading →Hiiiiiiii guys 🙂 How’s your Friday going?? Hope it’s been bueno- I’ve been a busy bee today 😀 This morning, I woke up before the sun to meet my Lifestyle Challenge group. Munched a nanner on the way: Today we talked about Exercise Myths and why they’re false, including: 1. Restricting calories is the way…
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