Papa Pilot
Hey, everybody. Bring on the weekend! I already have one small project lined up…
This stroller’s so versatile and dude friendly (read: not pink with rainbows) that Michael Bay would give it a slowmo, close-up in his next blockbuster.
Of course, I’ve gotta transform it from it’s current state:
Expect Gina to do a review on it once our future little one has a chance to try it out 🙂
Anyway, that’s pretty much been my routine since we’ve moved into the new casa. Assembly, moving, lifting, baby shopping with wife, cleaning {and of course, working} has been my contribution to our growing family. There’s not a lot guys can do otherwise. I mean, there’s studying baby books and foot rubs, but outside of that, we can’t take on the extra baby weight or nausea for a day. That’s too bad because I know there are days that are pretty tough my lovely bride.
There’s a saying, “women becomes mothers when they get pregnant and guys become fathers when the baby’s born,” but I’m trying to be a little more involved than that 😉 We still have date nights, evening walks, etc. but I’m sure there’s something I’m missing.
So, that’s where I could use your help. How can I make life for my pregnant wife easier…or what was the best thing someone did for you to alleviate the “not so fun” side affects of being pregnant??
Can’t wait to read your responses!
The Pilot
This post was so, so cute!! I’m so happy for you both and it sounds like you are bringing this new baby into such a loving, happy home. That’s wonderful!
Being available is the best thing. Going to the classes, etc. Learn about the birth process, all the aspects, even (especially, maybe) the not so pleasant ones. Learn about all of the eventualities. That way, if you’re faced with them, you know what to expect and don’t have to rely only on Gina’s knowledge.
My husband was an amazing birth partner, and that was probably the best thing he did for me the whole pregnancy. He was a *rock*. When labor turned into a 72-hour, ending in transfer event, he was still just as present, just as supportive, and just as amazing. 🙂
Plus, he put together the crib. By himself. I’m forever grateful for that 🙂
My husband just was available – to talk about baby, shop for baby stuff, see if I needed anything. He was patient with me when I was crazy and was genuinely and obviously excited about the baby coming – all of that meant the world to me! From what I can tell, you’re already doing all of this, so keep it up!!
How can I make life for my pregnant wife easier = Put together every single piece of baby equipment and baby furniture! I did 100% of ours and I was seriously wishing my husband was handy (or not traveling) and could have been there to help b/c being upside down with an allen wrench trying to put together a baby swing when you’re 6 mos pregnant is not fun!
And rub her feet, give her a back massage, whatever she wants but massage was and always is the way to my heart!
Haha I didn’t realize it was the Pilot posting until you said to expect a review from Gina! D’oh!
I don’t think you’re missing anything – I’m sure just being there for her means the world to Gina right now! 🙂
I’m not preg. nor have I ever been but I alwaysss want foot/back massages and I can just imagine how much more intensified that becomes during pregnancy… So in my non-experience, i’d say give her lots of those ALL THE TIME! Even after baby 🙂
Dear Pilot – I love when you post! It’s nice to hear what you’re doing to help out with the baby. I love that you’re trying to make sure you’re already a dad “now” and not later “when baby arrives”.
As a pregnant lady myself, I absolutely love when my husband: gives me an impromptu massage, brings me home a fun little treat, gets excited over nursery paint colors and fabric choices, attends check-up appointments with me, and gives my belly little rubs! Oh, and the biggest thing I have to thank him for: dealing (very calmly, I might add) with my insane mood swings!
I don’t believe that saying. I just had a baby girl in June after 4 1/2 years of fertility treatments. My DH became a protective, caring and loving dad the minute we were told the eggs fertilized and we had embabies.
Gina and I are lucky to have wonderful husbands.
Defend her. Without reservation.
I’m six months into pregnancy number 5 and I can tell you from experience that new moms have things they believe in (be it nursing, nursing in public, co-sleeping, baby scheduling, being active right after birth, etc…) that will be important to them and there will be many many people who feel the need to judge and comment. My January and February babies garnered me constant comments about how cold they must be (we live in Canada where the winters are real) and my summer baby was always too warm for someone’s liking. On most issues I can turn the other cheek and carry one but babies, and the choices you make for them, are so emotionally charged that it is hard to hold your resolve without feeling hurt.
So there’s my advice. Gina will know what she wants, you both will. It’s your job to defend those choices whenever you can.
I love this comment. I wholeheartedly agree.
Such a cute post! Well, I’m not (or haven’t ever been) pregnant, but I think everything you are doing right now seems pretty darn good. I guess when I am pregnant, the biggest things for me will be massages, helping out more around the house, and being super nice and understanding when I have mood swings. Keep up the good work!
I can tell you that the most helpful things my husband did when I was pregnant with our first (and does now that I am pregnant with our second) basically fall under the category of ‘nod and smile.’ –Attentively, of course 😀 If I *had* to buy something the baby wouldn’t actually need for months, I bought it. If I *had* to lie on the couch instead of clean, I did it. If I *had* to start Christmas in June, I started it. And I did it without too much flack. I think at first he would try to reason with me and have logical conversations about why maybe we don’t need the giant crib in the baby’s room but eventually he came to understand, as I did, that while I was quite capable of logic and reason, there are other factors going into the things I’m doing. Hormones are a beast and the physical part (fatigue, sudden and intense hunger/cravings) is one thing but the mental part of just *knowing* what you have to do so you’ll feel prepared (even if this 2 year old boy hasn’t spent one solid night in that crib…) and it is very important that you get to do everything you feel is necessary to be ready for the baby. I think you’re doing great 🙂 and it’s awesome that you want to know what else you can do. The most important thing is what you already know: Support her. She should never feel like she’s alone in this–which I think carries over into actual parenthood too. And just the same as you should never feel alone in it either. Your most critical time will come when she’s in labor, but just hang in there. I was in labor for 22 hours which neither one of us was expecting and my husband just kicked in gear. So you’ll be fine–great even. Congratulations to you both! And finally, I recommend getting that room painted before the baby comes for sure and also go for the crib that converts. That’s what we have and I’m so glad because he can actually use it as a bed even though he never cared much for the crib part. Sorry if I sound preachy or like I know it all. Lord knows there’ll be surprises in store for me this time around even though I’ve done it before!
Afterthought: there is a direct relationship between how far along she gets and how nice it will be to hear you think she’s beautiful 🙂
Definitely agree with this one wholeheartedly! As an 8 months pregnant woman (with the first), nothing makes me feel better than my husband telling me how beautiful I look!
I can’t think of anything specific for while she’s pregnant….HOWEVER. Once she has the baby, make sure you take care of Gina! She will be so busy taking care of the baby that she will really need someone taking care of her for those first few weeks. (I wish my hubby had realized this!!). Make sure she gets a shower every day, and help her out with the cooking/cleaning. She will probably be in a ton of pain and won’t be able to do much at first. Good luck!
Learn to paint her toenails!
if it hasn’t happened yet, there will come a time when gina will just be too tired to lift her arms to wash, brush or blow-dry her hair. if you can help her with that, it will be a kindness that she will remember forever.
You are a rockstar Mister!