Ish just got real

Source Iโ€™ve been back at my momโ€™s house for a little while, but after spending some time laying on the couch curled into a ball and a delicious lunch out with the fam, I can finally post. Good news on all fronts: Centimeters dilated: 2 % effaced: 80 Next appointment: Tuesday Induction scheduled: Friday morning…

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From this to that

Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments on the belly slideshow– it will be a fun thing to look back on. Itโ€™s amazing that the belly went from this: to THIS: and mad props to lululemon for stretching with me along the way. Yesterday was my original due date. I asked the…

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Belly up

Even though sleeping and walking have become daunting tasks in the past week, I’m trying to savor it as much as I possibly can. I’m going to miss the belly- especially the closeness I’ve felt to the baby for the past almost-10 months. Even when I’m missing the kicks and body rolls, it will be…

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Press the pickle button

The โ€œpickle buttonโ€ is what the pilots call their weapons release button- the one that sends off all of the bombs. Itโ€™s also how they refer to their very pregnant wives, as in โ€œno, she hasnโ€™t pickled yet,โ€ โ€œsheโ€™s about to pickle,โ€ etc. Nice, huh? (Christmas decorations, itโ€™s so sad to pack you up) So…

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12/30: Thoughts from the week

-I found it hilariously appropriate that this poster was hanging in the exam room for todayโ€™s midwife appointment. -My cervix is not a trampoline, but I have a little friend who seems to think otherwise. Iโ€™ll be walking along happily and KA-POW! Itโ€™s a feeling unlike any other- shocking, really. -I can fall asleep anywhere…

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First date with a chiropractor

Yesterday was my first time seeing a chiropractor, since Iโ€™ve never had a need or desire to before, and for all of the reasons I discussed in this post. I was a little nervous about it, but was glad Tom could go with meโ€ฆ he always makes me feel a little braver. This chiropractor was…

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Getting the party started

I took a Zumba class at work today. It still feels really good to move around โ€“and makes me forget that baby and I are spine-to-spine– and I can take it easy, since I was just taking class instead of teaching. It was a great class, and the best part was when my boss walked…

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Trying something new

Efforts to help the baby flip from posterior position to LOA (facing my right side, how she was until a week ago) have gone from pretty simple: (using my stability ball as a chair and to bounce and rotate my hips whenever possible) to a little crazy: I spent 10 minutes the other night with…

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I halfway understood

The other night, we were channel-surfing, trying to find something to watch that wasnโ€™t Adult Swim or the Kardashians [our preferences vary a little]. Tom left it on HBO for a second, to see what was on, and on the screen was an image of a pregnant woman, undressed, looking at herself in the mirror.…

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What I Learned About Cloth Diapers

A few weeks ago, which ended up being a pretty stressful day, my friend Nicole taught me and my friend Kelly a TON about cloth diapering. At the time, I was apprehensive about it (for *these reasons*) but by the time I left her house, I felt fully on board the cloth diaper train. It…

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How Eats Have Changed

Eats are always changing and evolving based on discovering new ingredients, changes in activity levels, and learning more about your body and nutrition over time. My eats have changed quite a lot since I started the blog over 3 years ago, but theyโ€™ve changed even more in the past 27 weeks. A wonky appetite was…

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When I eat something extra delicious, the baby will kick like crazy. Tom says that sheโ€™s dancing and squeezing the umbilical cord to get the good stuff out- kind of like squeezing the end of a tube of toothpaste. I find this image borderline disturbing and hilarious at the same time. [No spoon in your…

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