The birth story- part 2
Missed part 1? You can check it out here.
My heart sunk as I anticipated a suggestion that would take me off the path of my birth plan. Fortunately, our nurse was amazing and offered a progressive list of alternatives to a drug intervention. I was so thankful when the nurse handed me an oxygen mask with a warning that an IV would be the next step.
“Let’s see if baby needs some fresh air to get her heart rate up.”
I happily took the mask. In contractions beforehand, I had noticed that despite my best efforts to breathe deeply, they were too strong and hitting me too quickly without a break to keep some breaths from being shallow.
Thankfully, within moments of taking the oxygen, baby’s heart rate accelerated in sync with the contractions, just like they had been watching for. The nurse took the monitor away from my belly, and since my mind was no longer 100% worried about the baby, it focused back to the unbearable pain I was feeling. At this point, my entire body was still shaking and I started to sob as I asked how much longer it was going to last. The midwife was in the room –she was in and out during the labor process, and somehow knew when to help us, or just sit back and let us do our thing- and asked me if I wanted her to check and see how far along I was.
While I was laboring, I avoided being checked as much as possible since I didn’t really want to know, or get false hope. The number of centimeters dilated doesn’t necessarily mean anything since progress can change or stall at any moment, but when the midwife asked, I had to know. I had to know if everything I had gone through was going to leave me at 6cm dilated, or I’d be closer to the end.
“You’re 9cm and about 90% effaced. Your bag of waters is still intact, so if you’d like me to break it, it might help things move a little more quickly.”
That sounded good to me, so I asked her to go ahead and do it… and it felt heavenly, like so much pressure was released along with the warm water.
“Do you feel like pushing at all?”
I definitely had started to feel a pushing pressure, so I decided to try and see how it felt.
It felt wrong.
It kind of hurt in a strange way, like my body wasn’t ready for it, so I stopped trying to push and kept focusing on making it through one contraction at a time. The contractions became even more intense, which I didn’t think was possible, and were now 2 minutes apart and lasting at least 1 minute each.
This lasted for 3 hours.
During that time, Tom kept coaching me through every single contraction, encouraging me, and giving me sips of water while Tricia kept pressing the warm packs into my back. Tom left for a little while to update the family, and came back with photos and a video of them cheering me on.
It was the only time I really smiled during the whole ordeal, and gave me a little extra go power, because I was crumbling before then. All I could do was moan, breathe and let each contraction overtake my body. I was still draped over the back of the bed.
The midwife came back and offered to check me again, and discovered that my cervix was still slightly over the baby’s head, which was keeping me from being able to push effectively. She moved it out of the way, and then it was time to try push.
I laid on the bed and the nurse monitored each contraction, while the midwife rubbed warm oil and compresses down… yonder…to keep me from tearing.
My body was still shaking, and I can definitely see how pushing is an athletic event. I used all of the strength I had left to try and push the baby, and it felt amazing. It was such a relief to be able to use the contractions to my advantage, instead of just trying to make it through each one.
We held my legs back, I curled my spine, took a deep breath as each contraction began, and pushed for 45 minutes while we methodically worked her head out.
At first, it seemed like we had plenty of time to get the baby out and I could really focus on taking things slowly so I wouldn’t tear. I could feel the midwife rubbing oil inside my body in between pushing, and I was so thankful she was doing everything she could to prevent tearing. As soon as everyone could see the baby’s hair, things changed.
Her heart rate started to drop in between contractions; sometimes to half of what it was (which can be normal but caused some concern). We monitored her closely and urged me to take large, deep breaths to restore the heart rate each time. Up until this point, there was no clear answer for why I progressed so quickly initially then stalled so quickly when I was so near the end. As her head pushed out, we discovered the answer. The midwife told me that the cord was wrapped tightly around her neck. She wasn’t able to lift if over the baby’s head and instead of taking the time to cut it, the midwife gave me curt guidance that I couldn’t stop pushing. We needed to get the baby out, and I’d need to push as hard as I could to make it happen quickly. I didn’t even wait for the next contraction… I grabbed my legs, rounded my back, and pushed my heart out.
Her head was so out, so then it was quickly her shoulders, and then her entire body, along with a rush of fluid (so much for nice and easy).
They placed her on my chest and she felt warm, slimy and amazing.
I kept saying “Baby, baby, you’re here, you’re here.”
But as this was happening, they were quickly cutting the cord. Tom reminded the midwife we wanted to wait for it to stop pulsing, and she said we still needed to hurry because the baby needed oxygen. Tricia put the oxygen mask on the baby’s face and soon as the cord was cut, the nurses had to take the baby to a station near the bed to give her oxygen and check on her.
I was so worried….
I kept asking if she was ok while the placenta was delivered, and everyone assured me that she would be fine and to listen to her crying.
Before I knew it, she was back on my stomach, staring up at me
I instantly fell in love.
I did need a couple of stitches from the quick delivery, but the fact that we were able to get her out safely was all that mattered.
We had a totally intervention-free childbirth, but the thing is, I could have had a C-section, Pitocin, epidural, or birthed her out of my nose and would still be just as happy.
Looking back, I still can’t believe that things happened the way they did, that I was strong enough to make it though it, and that instead of Zumba-ing in my belly with me, she’s finally here.
Things would have never happened the way the did without an amazing birth team by my side. The nurses at the hospital were incredible, and never took the baby from our side. She slept in the room with us, had all of her testing and first bath done there, and if they saw we were sleeping, they left us alone until we were awake. I’m beyond grateful to our midwife, who delivered Baby so safely and swiftly; Tricia, who stayed by our sides for 12 hours; and Tom, who never ceases to amaze me. After the birth, I have a hard time looking at him without getting tears in my eyes, because I’m so very lucky.
So there it is: the end, and the very, very beginning <3
Retry later
Even though I knew all was well, man, I’ve been waiting for this all day!! You are a freakin rockstar!!
Gina–I’m speechless! She’s so beautiful!!! Congrats to an babay–you’re a mother now!!
Welcome to the world baby Olivia! Such a great birth story. 🙂
I definitely shed a few tears reading this post. Thanks for being so open and sharing such a personal moment with the world. Praise God that he was with you and got baby out quickly so you didn’t have to resort to other methods. I’m glad you, Tom and baby are safe and sound and adjusting to life at home. Love you to all~
Love to you all* Ooops. And do you like how I keep calling her baby? It’s because for months I didn’t know her name. Olivia, there. That’s better 🙂
Congrats! What a beautiful story. Welcome to motherhood! And you’re right; as someone who was denied an intervention-free birth and needed everything like cytotec, pitocin, iv, epidural, antibiotics, oxygen, catheter.. the end result is still the same. A beautiful miracle. <3
It’s amazing how much more I fell in love with my hubby after we had our first baby. I didn’t think it was possible, but our baby brought us even closer together. It’s a beautiful thing 🙂
Congrats to you and the team and Tom for hanging in there and having the birth go the way you had hoped! The picture of your family doing a fist pump should find its way into a frame for the nursery, I love it!!
i was totally riveted reading olivias birth story! (first off, you all three look like youre absolutely glowing.) youre such a talented writer, gina! congratulations, i cant wait to keep watching your blog so we can see all the things you choose to share with us! thanks so much.
i have been checking back here ever since i got to work for this post! you’re so strong and your little olivia is so beautiful. congrats!
You rock!! Those pictures of your family cheering you on totally made me cry. Congrats on the new addition to your family! 🙂
What an amazing story! It brought back so many memories for me. My “baby”, Helen, will be 21 years old at the end of this month, but I remember her birth as vividly as you described Olivia’s. The pain and everything, but mostly that I delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Whoever said you forget the pain told a lie (at least to me), but I only had the pleasure of one pregnancy and boy am I happy that I can remember every detail. I’m so happy for you and your family. Enjoy every moment, Gina and Tom. They grow up way too fast.
what an amazing birth story. congratulations on your gorgeous baby!!
i love the picture of your cheering family in the waiting room, what a great feeling to know they’re all there for you.
Wow. So so so amazing. You are so strong. I am so very happy for you and Tom that everything worked out good in the end. Amazing, and thank you so much for sharing such a personal story with such grace and honesty. <3
I’m crying, you’re such a moving writer. I think it was that last line personally 😉 I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your beginning. xxx
What an amazing story! My question is this: Does Olivia look the way you had imagined in your dreams? I am so curious to know!
what an awesome question!
Exactly the same. It’s crazy
Wow, that is really awesome!! Gives me chills…..
Thanks for sharing your birth story!! It makes me even more excited to meet our little girl in 18 weeks 🙂 You are an inspiration and as much as I’m scared for delivery I know it’s worth it in the end. Congrats to your beautiful family!!
So Beautiful. I loved this (and the last post) for how honest and ‘TMI’ they were. Its a reminder that even in crazy amounts of pain, you can do it the ‘old fashioned’ way and have a beautiful story at the end because you ended up with a beautiful, healthy child in your arms! I hope I have as wonderful a story to tell in 5 months! Take care of yourself and your beautiful little family!
As someone who might have the *slightest* case of baby fever, the end of your story just melts my heart. So glad that for your little family. =)
Beautiful story and a great beginning to the start of your new lives.
Bravo!! Welcome, sweet Olivia!
Such a beautiful birth story! You are definitely inspirational! Welcome into the world baby Olivia! 🙂
A wonderful story and I’m so happy for you that you got (more or less) the natural birth that you wanted. And ‘bravo!’ to your man for being a birthing coach superstar! I’ve seen lots of new babies and, right after birth, they all seem to have this look of ‘wha..? what JUST HAPPENED???’ It must be quite a surprise when your only known home starts squeezing you down a tube into an alien world.
Again, so happy for you! & I have a new respect for midwives and all others present for staying by and doing such a great & important job. Sending you all lots of good wishes 🙂
Wow!! What an amazing story! Childbirth is truly a miracle!!! Thank you for sharing this with us!! 🙂
LONG time reader but rare commenter over here! Congratulations on the healthy baby girl, she looks beautiful!
What a beautiful birth story, Thanks for sharing it!
I’m so glad everything worked out so well for you guys. I fully expected to cry when reading this, but expected it would be at the end, when you got to see your baby girl for the first time. However, I ended up crying much earlier on, during the part where you said that Tom came back with pictures and video of your cute family cheering you on. That was so sweet. What an awesome family you have. I’m so happy for you all. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. And please show us more pictures of Olivia. She is adorable!
What a beautiful birth story. I am so happy for you that you have your beautiful, healthy baby, and that you are happy with the birth process and that you had the birth you wanted to have (intervention and drug-free) and that things all worked out wonderfully for you. That’s awesome.
And looking at your husband differently…yes. And just wait til you watch the two of them play, laugh, take first steps together…all that jazz….it just keeps getting better. You will love him in a way you never thought was possible 🙂
You, The Pilot and your deivery team are rock stars. Thank you for sharing!
You are one tough cookie! So happy for your new family!
What a sweet story and I am so happy for you guys. Olivia is absolutely totally beautiful – what a love! Congrats!!
You are like Super Woman! I don’t think I’d make it past an hour before I was screaming for that needle. Thanks for the vivid recap, it means a lot to those of us who have never experienced and heard sugar coated “it hurts, but it’s worth it” comments. I mean, obviously it’s worth it or people would quit doing it! 🙂 Birth stories are so amazing, I really enjoy reading them, the power of the human body is just amazing.
Also, I have never seen such a cute newborn. Usually they look very alien-lizard for a few weeks… How did you two pull that one off? That’s some seriously good genes. I mean you guys both very pretty people, but DAMN! Congrats again, and thanks sooo much for sharing your beautiful daughter and your life with us.
What a great ending to the pregnancy journey. You guys are so very lucky, congrats!
Congrats to you, Tom, and your entire family! You are such an inspiration and I wish y’all nothing but happiness!!! 🙂
Absolutely wonderful! Congratulations. Your story is very similiar to mine, but no cord around the neck. I just want to say thank you for showing so many young women who read your blog that an intervention free birth is not just possible, but indeed natural and amazing! It is so nice to hear of birth professionals who really let your body do its job and help you to that end and not jump to other measures till they are truly needed. Enjoy your beautiful little girl.
Thank you SO much for sharing your story. What a blessing your sweet Olivia is for you! God bless you all!
Beautiful story – and I love that head of hair. My question is – since you know, I’ve never done it – what is worse? Contractions or pushing?
Contractions! Pushing felt great
I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant with my first or just the fact that that was such a beautiful story, but I just cried like a baby. Absolutely beautiful!
birth stories always make me tear up! i really should think about putting my own on my blog (8 months later). i lvoe love love the picture of the family in the waiting room—how special!!!!
congrats on a beautiful and healthy baby girl! and congrats on your accomplishment!
Beautiful. You are such a strong woman. I’m almost 12 weeks pregnant and hope to handle my pregnancy and birth with half as much grace and strength as you have.
Congratulations, strong girl! You did it! (((HUGS)))
Beautiful!!!! All of this totally made me tear up! I’m very happy for you guys and I LOVE that she looks just like she did in your dreams 🙂
Amazing. Beautiful birth story. Now onto many more life stories with sweet baby Olivia.
Looking forward to reading them! <3
There are SO many things that take place through giving birth and I honestly LOVED how you captured each and everyone of them. Although, I never knew it was possible to try and give birth without tearing – but it was all worth it, like you said!
Amazing story, Gina. She is absolutely gorgeous!
Such a great story!! I have a question…did the hospital give you a hard time about choosing to not have an IV? That is one of my biggest concerns (I am terrified of needles and have learned through my bradley classes that it is not necessary for most people) and am planning on discussing it with my OBGYN at me appointment next week. Just wanted to know your thoughts?
No the hospital was great about it- just hydrate like crazy
What an amazing story. So happy she is here and all turned out fine! I would like to say that in what must be a sleep-deprived fog of happiness going on with you right now, you are an amazing writer!! I was riveted to the story!!!
Thank you for sharing it with us!
Awesome awesome awesome! Thanks again for sharing.
What a great story! Thanks for sharing it with us. 🙂 You might be the luckiest girl to have such an amazing and caring husband but I think he’s just as lucky to have such an amazing wife! Enjoy all these moments you share with Olivia now b/c babies sure do grow up fast.
Beautiful birth story! The part where Tom took pics of your family cheering you on brought tears to my eyes! I’m amazed you can write in such great detail, I couldnt even text after my son was born bc of sleep deprivation! It was beautiful, so happy I read your blog 🙂
I love it all. Congrats again!
his is such a beautiful story. Gosh, right when I saw the first picture Tom took of the fam waiting for you in the waiting room, I started *sobbing*. You are so so so loved. And baby Olivia?! Look at all the people waiting to see her face! I love the picture of you guys together right after she got cleaned up! It totally looks like she is thinking FINALLY I AM HEREEEEE WITH YOU!
I hope you have a baby’s first year-book of some sort so she can read this one day. I found mine before I headed off to graduate school this summer, and my mom and I sat together and read through the whole thing while I cried.